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Bitwise and Bit Shift Operators

&: AND

int a = 12; // binary representation is 1100
int b = 10; // binary representation is 1010
int result = a & b; // result is 1000, which is 8 in decimal

The bitwise AND operator & performs a bitwise AND operation on two operands. A bit in the result is set to 1 only if both corresponding bits of the operands are 1.

|: OR

int a = 12; // binary representation is 1100
int b = 10; // binary representation is 1010
int result = a | b; // result is 1110, which is 14 in decimal

The bitwise OR operator | performs a bitwise OR operation on two operands. A bit in the result is set to 1 if at least one of the corresponding bits of the operands is 1.

^: XOR

int a = 12; // binary representation is 1100
int b = 10; // binary representation is 1010
int result = a ^ b; // result is 0110, which is 6 in decimal

The bitwise XOR operator ^ performs a bitwise XOR operation between two operands. A bit in the result is set to 1 if the corresponding bits of the operands are different.

~: NOT

int a = 12; // binary representation is 1100
int result = ~a; // result will be the inverted form, depending on the size of the integer (e.g., 32 bits)

The bitwise NOT operator ~ inverts all the bits of its operand.

<<: Left Shift Operator

int a = 5; // binary representation is 0101
int result = a << 2; // result is 10100, which is 20 in decimal

The left shift operator << shifts the bits of its left-hand operand to the left by the number of positions specified by its right-hand operand. Vacant positions are filled with zeros.

>>: Signed Right Shift

int a = -20; // negative numbers are represented in two's complement form
int result = a >> 2; // result maintains the sign, giving -5

The signed right shift operator >> shifts the bits of its left-hand operand to the right by the number of positions specified by its right-hand operand. Vacant positions are filled with the sign bit.

>>>: Unsigned Right Shift

int a = -20;
int result = a >>> 2; // result is a large number because the sign bit is not propagated

The unsigned right shift operator >>> shifts the bits of its left-hand operand to the right by the number of positions specified by its right-hand operand. Vacant positions are filled with zeros, regardless of the sign of the initial number.

Operator Description Example Example Description Result
& Bitwise AND int a = 12; int b = 10; int result = a & b; Performs a bitwise AND on each bit of a and b. result = 8
| Bitwise OR int a = 12; int b = 10; int result = a | b;
^ Bitwise XOR int a = 12; int b = 10; int result = a ^ b; Performs a bitwise XOR on each bit of a and b. result = 6
~ Bitwise NOT int a = 12; int result = ~a; Inverts all bits of a. result = -13 (depending on integer size)
<< Left Shift int a = 5; int result = a << 2; Shifts bits of a left by 2, filling with 0s. result = 20
>> Signed Right Shift int a = -20; int result = a >> 2; Shifts bits of a right by 2, extending the sign bit. result = -5
>>> Unsigned Right Shift int a = -20; int result = a >>> 2; Shifts bits of a right by 2, filling with 0s. result = 1073741819

These operators are useful for manipulating data at the lowest level, writing performance-sensitive applications, or engaging in algorithm competitions.
