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3112. Minimum Time to Visit Disappearing Nodes

There is an undirected graph of n nodes. You are given a 2D array edges, where edges[i] = [ui, vi, lengthi] describes an edge between node ui and node vi with a traversal time of lengthi units.

Additionally, you are given an array disappear, where disappear[i] denotes the time when the node i disappears from the graph and you won't be able to visit it.

Notice that the graph might be disconnected and might contain multiple edges.

Return the array answer, with answer[i] denoting the minimum units of time required to reach node i from node 0. If node i is unreachable from node 0 then answer[i] is -1.

Example 1:


Input: n = 3, edges = [[0,1,2],[1,2,1],[0,2,4]], disappear = [1,1,5]

Output: [0,-1,4]


We are starting our journey from node 0, and our goal is to find the minimum time required to reach each node before it disappears.

  • For node 0, we don't need any time as it is our starting point.
  • For node 1, we need at least 2 units of time to traverse edges[0]. Unfortunately, it disappears at that moment, so we won't be able to visit it.
  • For node 2, we need at least 4 units of time to traverse edges[2].

Example 2:


Input: n = 3, edges = [[0,1,2],[1,2,1],[0,2,4]], disappear = [1,3,5]

Output: [0,2,3]


We are starting our journey from node 0, and our goal is to find the minimum time required to reach each node before it disappears.

  • For node 0, we don't need any time as it is the starting point.
  • For node 1, we need at least 2 units of time to traverse edges[0].
  • For node 2, we need at least 3 units of time to traverse edges[0] and edges[1].

Example 3:

Input: n = 2, edges = [[0,1,1]], disappear = [1,1]

Output: [0,-1]


Exactly when we reach node 1, it disappears.


  • 1 <= n <= 5 * 104
  • 0 <= edges.length <= 105
  • edges[i] == [ui, vi, lengthi]
  • 0 <= ui, vi <= n - 1
  • 1 <= lengthi <= 105
  • disappear.length == n
  • 1 <= disappear[i] <= 105


class Solution {
    public int[] minimumTime(int n, int[][] edges, int[] disappear) {
        // Graph adjacency list
        List<List<int[]>> graph = new ArrayList<>();
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            graph.add(new ArrayList<>());
        for (int[] edge : edges) {
            int u = edge[0];
            int v = edge[1];
            int time = edge[2];
            graph.get(u).add(new int[] {v, time});
            graph.get(v).add(new int[] {u, time});

        // Dijkstra's algorithm setup
        int[] answer = new int[n];
        Arrays.fill(answer, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
        answer[0] = 0;
        PriorityQueue<int[]> pq = new PriorityQueue<>((a, b) ->[1], b[1]));
        pq.offer(new int[] {0, 0});  // node 0 with time 0

        while (!pq.isEmpty()) {
            int[] current = pq.poll();
            int node = current[0];
            int time = current[1];

            // If this node has been processed with a better time, skip it
            if (time > answer[node]) {

            // Early stopping if current time exceeds the disappearance time
            if (time >= disappear[node]) {

            // Process all neighbors
            for (int[] neighbor : graph.get(node)) {
                int nextNode = neighbor[0];
                int travelTime = neighbor[1];
                int arrivalTime = time + travelTime;

                // Check if the node can still be visited
                if (arrivalTime < disappear[nextNode] && arrivalTime < answer[nextNode]) {
                    answer[nextNode] = arrivalTime;
                    pq.offer(new int[] {nextNode, arrivalTime});

        // Convert answers to required format
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            if (answer[i] == Integer.MAX_VALUE || answer[i] >= disappear[i]) {
                answer[i] = -1;

        return answer;