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204 Maximum Values Of Size K Sliding Windows (Lai)

Given an integer array A and a sliding window of size K, find the maximum value of each window as it slides from left to right.


  • The given array is not null and is not empty
  • K >= 1, K <= A.length


A = {1, 2, 3, 2, 4, 2, 1}, K = 3, the windows are {{1,2,3}, {2,3,2}, {3,2,4}, {2,4,2}, {4,2,1}},

and the maximum values of each K-sized sliding window are [3, 3, 4, 4, 4]


public class Solution {
  public List<Integer> maxWindows(int[] array, int k) {
    // Write your solution here
        // Assumptions: array is not null or not empty,
        // k >= 1 and k <= a.length.
    List<Integer> max = new ArrayList<Integer>();
     // use a descending deque to solve this problem,
        // we store the index instead of the actual value in the deque,
        // and we make sure:
        // 1. the deque only contains index in the current sliding window.
        // 2. for any index, the previous index with smaller value is 
        // discarded from the deque.
    Deque<Integer> deque = new LinkedList<Integer>();
    for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++){
      while (!deque.isEmpty() && array[deque.peekLast()] <= array[i]){
            // it is possible the head element is out of the current
        // sliding window so we might need to discard it as well.
      if (!deque.isEmpty() && deque.peekFirst() <= i - k){
      if (i >= k - 1 ){
    return max;