288 First Non-Repeating Character In Stream (Lai)
Given a stream of characters, find the first non-repeating character from stream. You need to tell the first non-repeating character in O(1) time at any moment.
Implement two methods of the class:
- read() - read one character from the stream
- firstNonRepeating() - return the first non-repoeating character from the stream at any time when calling the method, return null if there does not exist such characters
a b c a c c b
a a a b b b null
public class Solution {
private HashMap<Character, Integer> charCountMap; // To store the count of each character
private Queue<Character> queue; // To keep the non-repeating characters in order
public Solution() {
this.charCountMap = new HashMap<>();
this.queue = new LinkedList<>();
public void read(char ch) {
// Increase the count of the character in the hash map
charCountMap.put(ch, charCountMap.getOrDefault(ch, 0) + 1);
// If it's the first time this character is read, add it to the queue
if (charCountMap.get(ch) == 1) {
// Clean up the front of the queue until we have a non-repeating character at the front
while (!queue.isEmpty() && charCountMap.get(queue.peek()) > 1) {
public Character firstNonRepeating() {
// Return the front of the queue if it's not empty; otherwise, return null
if (queue.isEmpty()){
return null;
return queue.peek();
public class Solution {
static class Node{
Node next;
Node prev;
Character ch;
Node(Character ch){
this.ch = ch;
private HashMap<Character, Node> singled;
private HashSet<Character> repeated;
private Node head;
private Node tail;
public Solution() {
// Initialize the class.
tail = new Node(null);
head = new Node(null);
head = tail;
singled = new HashMap<Character, Node>();
repeated = new HashSet<Character>();
public void read(char ch) {
// Implement this method here.
if (repeated.contains(ch)){
Node node = singled.get(ch);
if (node == null){
node = new Node(ch);
private void append(Node node){
singled.put(node.ch, node);
tail.next = node;
node.prev = tail;
node.next = head;
tail = tail.next;
private void remove(Node node){
node.prev.next = node.next;
node.next.prev = node.prev;
if (node == tail){
tail = node.prev;
public Character firstNonRepeating() {
// Implement this method here.
if (head == tail){
return null;
return head.next.ch;
public class Solution {
// each node is a double linked list node
// and it contains one distinct character.
static class Node{
Node prev;
Node next;
Character ch;
Node(Character ch){
this.ch = ch;
// record the head and tail of the list all the time.
// only the characters appearing just once will be
// in the double linked list.
private Node head;
private Node tail;
// for any character, it could be in three state:
// 1. not existed yet, it will not be singled Map
// or repeated Set.
// 2. only existes onece, it will be in singled Map
// and there will be a corresponding node in the list.
// 3. exists more than once, it will be in the repeated Set.
// and it will be removed from the list
private HashMap<Character, Node> singled;
private HashSet<Character> repeated;
public Solution() {
// Initialize the class.
// an example of using sentinel node to eliminate some corner cases.
tail = new Node(null);
tail.next = tail.prev = tail;
head = tail;
singled = new HashMap<Character, Node>();
repeated = new HashSet<Character>();
public void read(char ch) {
// Implement this method here.
// if the character already exists more than once,
// we just ignore.
if (repeated.contains(ch)){
Node node = singled.get(ch);
if (node == null){
// if the character appears for the first time,
// it should be added to the list and added to
// the nonRepeated.
node = new Node(ch);
} else{
// if the character is already in the nonRepeated
// Map, we should remove it from the Map and list,
private void append(Node node){
singled.put(node.ch, node);
tail.next = node;
node.prev = tail;
node.next = head;
tail = tail.next;
private void remove(Node node){
// use sentinel node so that some of the
// corner cases will be eliminated.
node.prev.next = node.next;
node.next.prev = node.prev;
if (node == tail){
tail = node.prev;
node.prev = node.next = null;
public Character firstNonRepeating(){
// when head == tail, it means there is only
// the sentinel ndoe in the list
if (head == tail){
return null;
return head.next.ch;