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46 Permutations

Given an array nums of distinct integers, return all the possible permutations. You can return the answer in any order.

Example 1:

Input: nums = [1,2,3]
Output: [[1,2,3],[1,3,2],[2,1,3],[2,3,1],[3,1,2],[3,2,1]]

Example 2:

Input: nums = [0,1]
Output: [[0,1],[1,0]]

Example 3:

Input: nums = [1]
Output: [[1]]


每一层: 通过Swap的方式把某一个元素固定到这一层该固定的位置上

分支: 把谁swap过来

区间物理意义: [index, input.length-1] 没有被换过的元素

[0, index-1] 已经被换过, 不能用的元素

class Solution {
    public List<List<Integer>> permute(int[] nums) {
        List<List<Integer>> result = new ArrayList<List<Integer>>();
        // base case
        if (nums == null || nums.length == 0){
            return result;

        int index = 0;
        helper(nums, index, result);
        return result;

    private static void helper(int[] nums, int index, List<List<Integer>> result){
        // base case
        if (index == nums.length){
            // add subresult + return 
            List<Integer> subResult = new ArrayList<Integer>();
            // add current array
            for (int i = 0; i < nums.length; i++){
            // add subResult to result
            result.add(new ArrayList<Integer>(subResult));

        for (int i = index; i < nums.length; i++){
            swap(nums, index, i);
            helper(nums, index+1, result);
            swap(nums, index, i);

    private static void swap(int[] array, int left, int right){
        int rem = array[left];
        array[left] = array[right];
        array[right] = rem;


draw the tree
branch: swap with fixed index of array, for loop
level: fix the index of array 
                       /  |    \
0                  1|,2,3  2|,1,3  3|,1,2
                /  | 
1            1,2|3 1,3|,2  
2            1,2,3|
level = array.length => add result and return   

TC: O(branch^level) = O((n!) ^ n) =O(n!) 
SC: O(n)
