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What is a Database

A database is an effective technology for data management, comprising an organized collection of data stored in structured data tables. These tables are interconnected, reflecting the essential relationships between objective entities. Databases help organizations or enterprises manage various information resources scientifically. In essence, our data can be managed by a database, which provides efficient access performance.


During the JavaSE learning phase, we learned how to use file I/O to save data locally, allowing persistent data storage. This means data can be reloaded even after the program is reopened. However, this method becomes inconvenient when dealing with a large amount of data. Moreover, if we need to find a specific piece of data among many, we must load it into memory and search, which is cumbersome.


Databases are designed for this purpose. They allow us to quickly find desired data, easily insert, modify, and delete data. Besides these functions, databases offer more features for managing and operating data efficiently!


Common Databases

There are many types of commonly used databases, including but not limited to:


  • MySQL - It's free, the most widely used, and an open-source database, suitable for small to medium-sized applications.
  • Microsoft SQL Server - This is a commercial database that requires payment but offers technical support. It is suitable for Windows Server environments.
  • Oracle - Also a commercial database, Oracle is used for large-scale database systems.
  • MySQL - 免费,用的最多的,开源数据库,适用于中小型
  • Microsoft SQL Server - 收钱的,但是提供技术支持,适用于Windows Server
  • Oracle - 收钱的,大型数据库系统

We will focus on learning MySQL. However, it's worth noting that most SQL statements are universally applicable across different databases, with only minor syntax differences. Therefore, learning one database system equips you with the skills to work with others.


Install MySql

brew install mysql

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brew services start mysql

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Data Models

Data models, like models in the real world, are abstractions of the characteristics of data in the real world. In fact, the classes we have previously learned about in programming are an abstraction of real-world data. For example, the characteristics of a student include name, age, grade, student ID, major, etc. These characteristics are also known as attributes of an entity. Attributes have the following features:


  • Attributes are indivisible.
  • An entity can have multiple attributes.
  • The attribute used to uniquely distinguish different entities is called a Key, such as the unique student ID for each student.
  • The value of an attribute can have certain constraints, such as gender being limited to male or female.
  • 属性不可再分
  • 一个实体的属性可以有很多个
  • 用于唯一区分不同实体的的属性,称为Key,比如每个同学的学号都是不一样的
  • 属性取值可以有一定的约束,比如性别只能是男或是女

Entities or attributes can have certain relationships between them. For instance, a teacher can teach many students, and the students, in relation to the teacher, are in a taught relationship. Similarly, each student has a unique student ID, establishing a relationship between the student number and the student. A relationship where one teacher teaches many students is a one-to-many relationship (1:n), while the unique correspondence of a student number is a one-to-one relationship (1:1). Furthermore, each teacher can teach many students, and each student can have multiple teachers, which is a many-to-many relationship (n:m).


MySQL is a type of relational database. By using a relational database, we can effectively store data that has certain relationships.



Constructing an Entity-Relationship (ER) diagram is an excellent way to clearly understand the relationships and characteristics of different data models. An ER diagram is a visual representation of the data model, detailing how entities (like objects or concepts relevant to a database) relate to each other within a system.


Database Creation

Now that we understand attributes and relationships, let's try to create a database and add tables to store data. Each table represents the data of a specific entity. First, we need to clarify what kind of tables we need to create:

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  • Student Table: To store all student data. Student (Student ID (underline), Name, Gender)
  • Teacher Table: To store all teacher data. Teacher (Teacher ID (underline), Name)
  • Course Table: To store the teaching information between teachers and students. Course (Student ID, Teacher ID)
  • 学生表:用于存放所有学生的数据,学生(学号,姓名,性别)
  • 教师表:用于存放所有教师的数据,教师(教师号,姓名)
  • 授课表:用于存放教师与学生的授课信息,授课(学号,教师号)

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The underlined attributes are designated as Keys, serving as unique identifiers to distinguish each entity's data.


To make it easier to understand, let's start with graphical interface operations before moving to SQL statements. Don't worry, we'll cover everything step by step. We can use database clients like Navicat or the built-in database client in IDEA to create a database and the three tables mentioned above.


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Database Normalization

When designing a table to store an entity's data, it's essential to understand database normalization. The goal is to minimize the existence of "bad" relations and to design an optimal relational model. In short, we need to learn how each table should be designed.

Database normalization involves organizing a database in a way that reduces redundancy and dependency. It's a process of structuring a relational database to minimize duplication and to ensure data integrity. The normalization process involves dividing a database into two or more tables and defining relationships between the tables. This approach aims to:

  • Ensure that data is stored logically.
  • Reduce data redundancy (the same data stored in multiple places).
  • Protect data integrity (ensuring data is accurate and consistent).

By following these principles, we can create a database that is efficient, easy to manage, and scalable. In the following sections, we'll delve into the practical steps of creating these tables and applying normalization principles.


First Normal Form (1NF)

The First Normal Form dictates that every column in a database must be indivisible basic data items. However, the following example demonstrates a divisible case:


  • Student (Name, Phone Number)

The phone number actually includes Landline Phone and Mobile Phone, so it can be split into:


  • Student (Name, Landline Number, Mobile Number)

Meeting the First Normal Form is the most basic requirement for relational databases!


Second Normal Form (2NF)

The Second Normal Form requires that there must be a primary key in the table, and all other attributes must fully depend on the primary key. For example:


  • Student (Student ID, Name, Gender)

The student ID is a unique identifier for each student, and each student has a different student ID. Therefore, this table has a primary key, and all attributes of each student depend on the student ID. Changes in the student ID imply changes in the student, hence both name and gender would change accordingly. Therefore, this table meets the Second Normal Form.


Third Normal Form (3NF)

While meeting the Second Normal Form, if all attributes are not transitively dependent on the primary key, the table satisfies the Third Normal Form.


  • Student Book Borrowing Situation (Borrowing ID, Student ID, Book ID, Book Name, Book Author)

Actually, the book ID depends on the borrowing ID, and the book name and author depend on the book ID, creating a transitive dependency. We can separate the book information into another table:


  • Student Book Borrowing Situation (Borrowing ID, Student ID, Book ID)
  • Book (Book ID, Book Name, Book Author)

This separation eliminates the transitive dependency, thereby meeting the Third Normal Form.


Boyce-Codd Normal Form (BCNF)

BCNF, as a refinement of the Third Normal Form, assumes a warehouse management relationship table, StorehouseManage (Warehouse ID, Stored Item ID, Manager ID, Quantity). In this scenario, one manager works at only one warehouse; a warehouse can store multiple items. This database table has the following determining relationships:

BCNF作为第三范式的补充,假设仓库管理关系表为StorehouseManage(仓库ID, 存储物品ID, 管理员ID, 数量),且有一个管理员只在一个仓库工作;一个仓库可以存储多种物品。这个数据库表中存在如下决定关系:

(Warehouse ID, Stored Item ID) → (Manager ID, Quantity)

(Manager ID, Stored Item ID) → (Warehouse ID, Quantity)

Therefore, (Warehouse ID, Stored Item ID) and (Manager ID, Stored Item ID) are both candidate keys for StorehouseManage, with the only non-key attribute being Quantity, which complies with the Third Normal Form. However, due to the following determining relationships:

所以,(仓库ID, 存储物品ID)和(管理员ID, 存储物品ID)都是StorehouseManage的候选关键字,表中的唯一非关键字段为数量,它是符合第三范式的。但是,由于存在如下决定关系:

(Warehouse ID) → (Manager ID)

(Manager ID) → (Warehouse ID)

There is a situation where a key attribute determines another key attribute. If the Manager ID is modified, then each corresponding entry must be individually updated, indicating non-compliance with the BCNF.
