Chapter 10 Coverage and Usage Testing Based on Finite-State Machines and Markov Chains
There are many limitations with the testing techniques based on simple models, such as checklists, partitions, and trees, described in the previous two chapters. Program execution details, interactions among different parts of programs, as well as detailed usage information cannot be adequately represented in such simple models for testing. In this chapter, we introduce finite-state machines (FSMs) as the basis for various testing techniques, in particular:
- The basic concepts of FSMs are introduced in Section 10.1.
- The direct use of FSMs in testing to cover the modeled states is described in Section 10.2.
- A comprehensive case study to model web testing and web crawling using FSMs is presented in Section 10.3.
- The enhancement of FSMs into Markov chains and Unified Markov Models (UMMs) as usage models is described in Section 10.4.
- The usage based testing using Markov chains and UMMs is described in Section 10.5
- A comprehensive case study of statistical web testing based on UMMs is presented in Section 10.6.
As extensions to FSM-based testing that focus on interactions along execution paths and data dependencies, control flow and data flow testing techniques are covered in Chapter 11.
- 第10.1节介绍FSMs的基本概念。
- 第10.2节描述了直接使用FSMs进行测试以涵盖建模的状态。
- 第10.3节展示了使用FSMs对网页测试和网页爬虫进行建模的全面案例研究。
- 第10.4节描述了将FSMs增强为马尔可夫链和统一马尔可夫模型(UMMs)作为使用模型。
- 第10.5节描述了使用马尔可夫链和UMMs的基于使用的测试。
- 第10.6节展示了基于UMMs的统计网页测试的全面案例研究。
The basic idea of FSMs is to use an intermediate formalism to model the program execution or behavior that strikes a balance between expressive power and simplicity (Chow, 1978). At one extreme, lists and partitions covered in the previous two chapters provide simple processing models that may not be expressive enough to represent complex program executions and behavior. On the other hand, the actual implementation, or the programs themselves, contains too much detail that needs to be abstracted into models so that specific aspects or features can be analyzed and tested. FSMs lie in between these two extremes and possess some flexibility in the level of details that can be modeled by the number of states, the number of links among them, and related input-output.
10.1 有限状态机与测试
有限状态机(FSMs)的基本思想是使用一种中间形式主义来模拟程序执行或行为,这种模拟在表达能力和简洁性之间寻找平衡(Chow, 1978)。在一个极端,前两章介绍的列表和分区提供了简单的处理模型,这些模型可能不足以表达复杂的程序执行和行为。另一方面,实际的实现或程序本身包含了太多需要被抽象成模型的细节,以便可以分析和测试特定的方面或特性。FSMs位于这两个极端之间,它们在可以通过状态数量、状态之间的链接数量及相关输入输出模拟的细节级别上具有一定的灵活性。
10.1.1 Overcoming Limitations of Simple Processing Models
The processing model used in the previous two chapters is a single stage one in the form of “input-process-output”. Both the input and the output are associated with this single stage of processing. We focused on the input in test model construction and test case sensitization, while implicitly assuming that the corresponding output can be obtained and checked through some oracle. As extensions to the single-stage processing model, we also introduced multi-stage ones such as the use of hierarchical lists, multi-dimensional lists, and tree-structured decision models. Some of the basic assumptions in those extensions include:
- There is a finite number of stages or lists.
- Each stage or list is unique, that is, no stage or list is a repetition of another.
- The final choices made through multiple stages or lists are uniquely determined by the items in each list involved or by the choices made at every stage.
Consequently, although multiple lists or multiple decision stages are involved, the final choices or complete operations can still be represented by a global one-level list or decision by collapsing the lists or stages. In the case of a tree-structured processing model that can represent both hierarchical lists and graphical operational profiles in Chapter 8, there is always a unique path from the root to each leaf node. The whole paths associated with these leaf nodes represent the series of decisions or stages of processing. Therefore all the information can be represented at the leaf node, as in Figure 8.2 in Chapter 8. In the case of multi-dimensional lists, each individual choice can be represented as a point in the multidimensional space, such as in Table 8.2 in Chapter 8. All these points can be enumerated as long as there are finite dimensions and finite choices for each dimension.
However, we know in information processing, repetition or looping is a common way to handle various tasks, and the program behavior also shows repetition. It would be desirable under such situations to relax the unique stage or decision assumption above so that such repeated processing or behavior can also be modeled. This relaxation actually leads us to finite-state machines, if we do the following:
- We simply replace the above decision points associated with individual lists or processing stages by states.
- The selection of an individual list item or the processing decision can be replaced by a stage or state transition.
- Looping back to some list or stage is allowed from any state.
Such models can be formalized and used to precisely specify the behavior and interactions for many systems and components and serve as the basis for testing. In addition, many of the sub-operations within end-to-end operations specified in checklists or associated with partitions may be in common. The construction of FSMs could highlight these commonly used core sub-operations. The use of FSMs could lead to more effective testing by focusing on these core sub-operations and their connections to the rest of the system operations. Similarly, more economical testing could also be achieved by avoiding the exact repetition of some of these common sub-operations.
10.1.1 克服简单处理模型的限制
- 有一个有限数量的阶段或列表。
- 每个阶段或列表是唯一的,即没有阶段或列表是另一个的重复。
- 通过多个阶段或列表做出的最终选择由每个列表中的项目或在每个阶段做出的选择唯一确定。
- 我们简单地将与个别列表或处理阶段相关联的上述决策点替换为状态。
- 选择单个列表项或处理决策可以被替换为阶段或状态转换。
- 允许从任何状态循环回某个列表或阶段。
10.1.2 FSMs: Basic concepts and examples
Finite-state machines (FSMs) are standard models in the basic studies of computer science. There are four basic elements for FSMs, which can be grouped into two subsets:
Static elements: The subset of static elements includes states and state transitions. The state transitions are often referred to as just transitions. The number of states is finite. By not allowing duplicate transitions from one state to another, that is, a direct transition from state A to state B can only follow a unique link labeled A-B, the number of state transitions is also finite.
Dynamic elements: The subset of dynamic elements includes the input provided to the FSMs and the output generated from the FSMs in dynamic executions of the FSMs. In general, both the number of different input and the number of different output are also finite. In the case that such input and output may take a large number or an infinite number of values, we generally need to group them into partitions, much like what we did in checklist and partition based testing in Chapter 8. These finite groups or partitions will correspond to transitions from one state to another. Therefore, they form some special types of equivalence classes.
At any time, the system can be in one state or in transition from one state to another. If we ignore the transition time, the system is in exactly one state at any time in what we call the “current” state. If the output and the next state are both uniquely determined by the current state and the input, we call it a “deterministic” FSM. We first deal with testing based on deterministic FSMs in this chapter, with non-deterministic or probabilistic FSMs used in Section 10.4 for usage-based testing.
The FSMs and their elements are typically represented graphically. The main graphical elements include:
- Each state is represented as a node in a graph.
- Each transition is represented as a directed link from one state to another.
- Input and output are associated with state transitions, and are represented as link weights or annotations by the transitions.
The above representation is called the Mealy model (Mealy, 1955). An alternative model is to represent each output as a state, resulting in the so-called Moore model (Moore, 1956). We use Mealy model in this book primarily for its simplicity in reducing the number of states.
So far, we have not directly dealt with the question: “What is represented by a state in FSMs?’. The answer depends on what we want to model. Most commonly, a state corresponds to some program execution state, or a specific time period or instance between certain actions. For example, consider the following execution sequence:
When a program starts, it is in the “initial” state.
After performing a user-oriented function (black-box view), or executing a statement or an internal procedure (white-box view), the program execution is transitioned to another state.
The above step can be repeated a number of times, with some of the states possibly repeated as well.
The state where program execution terminates is called the “final” state.
In each of the transitions, some input might be needed, and some output might be produced.
In the above example, the states represent some abstraction of execution status or states, and most of the operations are associated with the links or state transitions. A concrete example familiar to almost everyone in modern society is the use of the world wide web (WWW or simply the web): Each web page a user is viewing can be considered a state. When we start a web browser, the default starting page or our customized starting page will be loaded, which corresponds to the initial state. Each time we follow a link in a page or specifically request a page through the use of bookmarWfavorite selections or by directly typing in a URL (universal resource locator, or the unique address for a specific web page), we start a transition to another web page. We can stop anytime by exiting the web browser, or implicitly by no longer requesting pages. This last page visited is then the final state. In this example of web usage, most of the operations such as requesting and loading a page, as well as the related error or other messages, are associated with the transitions. The FSM states are clearly visible to the users and represent the main purpose of using the web.
Alternatively, various individual operations, functions, or tasks can be represented by the states, and the transitions merely indicate their logical connections or precedence relations. For example, the flow-charts commonly used in product design, program implementation, and program analysis are examples of this type. We will see many examples of such FSMs when we discuss control flow testing in Chapter 11.
In many applications, a mixture of the above two types of FSMs can be used as long as there is no confusion. A concrete example of FSM of this type is Figure 10.1 that depicts the states and state transitions for call processing in a cellular communication system (TIAEIA, 1994; Garg, 1999). Specific information includes:
- Specific states related to different operations or system status are identified, for example, “Power-up”, “Mobile Station Initialization”, “Mobile Station Idle”, etc., and are identified by their labels A, B, C, D, E, respectively.
- Some transitions are not associated with any input (null input) or output (null output). They simply follow after the completion of the task associated with the current state. In such cases, there is usually only one possible transition, because otherwise specific input or conditions will be needed to specify which allowable transition to take. For example, after state A (Power-up), the next state to follow is always B (MS Initialization). Similarly, after state D the next state to follow is always C (MS Idle); and state E (Mobile Station Control on Traffic Channel) is always followed by state B. In general, such transitions are not associated with any processing but only a logical relation between the states, just like “is-followed-by” relation in control flow graphs in Chapter 11.
- Other transitions in Figure 10.1 are associated with specific messages or conditions as input and some possible output. For example, the states to follow C (MS Idle) could be D (System Access), associated with receiving a paging channel message requiring response, originating a call, or performing registration. State B (MS Initialization) could also follow C for the condition that MS is unable to receive paging channel. Similarly, State D can be followed by state E (Mobile Station Control on Traffic Channel) if a call is originated, or followed by state B if other System Access tasks are completed.
10.1.2 FSMs: 基本概念和示例
有限状态机(FSMs)是计算机科学基础研究中的标准模型。 FSMs有四个基本要素,可以分为两个子集:
- 静态元素:静态元素的子集包括状态和状态转换。状态转换通常简称为转换。状态的数量是有限的。不允许从一个状态到另一个状态的重复转换,即,从状态A到状态B的直接转换只能遵循一个唯一的标记为A-B的链接,状态转换的数量也是有限的。
- 动态元素:动态元素的子集包括提供给FSMs的输入和FSMs在动态执行中生成的输出。一般来说,不同输入的数量和不同输出的数量也是有限的。在输入和输出可能取大量值或无限数量值的情况下,我们通常需要将它们分组到分区中,就像我们在第8章的清单和基于分区的测试中所做的那样。这些有限的组或分区将对应于从一个状态到另一个状态的转换。因此,它们形成了一些特殊类型的等价类。
- 每个状态表示为图中的一个节点。
- 每个转换表示为从一个状态到另一个状态的有向链接。
- 输入和输出与状态转换相关联,并以链接权重或转换旁的注释表示。
- 当程序开始时,它处于“初始”状态。
- 在执行用户导向的功能(黑盒视图)或执行语句或内部程序(白盒视图)之后,程序执行转移到另一个状态。
- 可以重复上述步骤多次,其中一些状态也可能重复。
- 程序执行终止的状态称为“最终”状态。
- 在每次转换中,可能需要一些输入,并且可能产生一些输出。
- 识别与不同操作或系统状态相关的特定状态,例如,“开机”、“移动站初始化”、“移动站空闲”等,并分别用它们的标签A、B、C、D、E标识。
- 一些转换不与任何输入(空输入)或输出(空输出)相关联。它们仅在与当前状态关联的任务完成后跟随。在这种情况下,通常只有一种可能的转换,因为否则需要特定的输入或条件来指定哪种允许的转换。例如,在状态A(开机)之后,接下来要遵循的状态始终是B(MS初始化)。同样,在状态D之后接下来要遵循的状态始终是C(MS空闲);状态E(移动站在交通频道上的控制)总是跟随状态B。一般来说,这样的转换不与任何处理相关,只是状态之间的逻辑关系,就像第11章控制流图中的“被跟随”的关系。
- 图10.1中的其他转换与特定的消息或条件作为输入和一些可能的输出相关联。例如,跟随C(MS空闲)的状态可能是D(系统访问),与接收要求响应的寻呼频道消息、发起呼叫或执行注册相关联。状态B(MS初始化)也可能在MS无法接收寻呼频道的情况下跟随C。类似地,如果发起呼叫,状态D可以被状态E(移动站在交通频道上的控制)跟随,或者如果完成了其他系统访问任务,则可以被状态B跟随。
10.1.3 Representations of FSMs
The most intuitive and most straightforward way to represent FSMs is to use graphical means, such as in Figure 10.1. As we know from graph theory (Deo, 1974), such graphs can also be formally specified as a set of states, a set of allowable state transitions, and associated input/output. For example, the set of states corresponding to Figure 10.1 is {A, B, C, D, E}. The transition from C to B is represented as {C, B, “unable to receive paging channel”, -}, with input as specified by the third element and null output (-). The set of state transitions and input/output includes this and other similar items as its elements.
Although the graphical representation is intuitive and easy to interpret by human subjects, it becomes impractical when the number of states becomes large. When we have more than 20 or 30 states, the drawing will become messy and hard to trace. Consequently, tabular representation (also called matrix representation) is often used, which is easy for computer to process as well. For example Figure 10.1 can be represented by Table 10.1 that can be interpreted as follows:
- The states are listed as both the rows and columns.
- The rows represent originating states and the columns represent ending states for specific transitions.
- If a transition from state X (row X) to state Y (column Y) is allowed, then the corresponding cell (row X, column Y) is marked by its input and output. A null input or a null output is marked by “-”. For the specific input conditions or messages in Table 10.1, we used shorthands msg , NoC , c a l l , and done to represent “paging channel message”, “unable to receive paging channel”, “making a call”, and “finished with other tasks”, respectively.
- If a cell is marked with “na” or not marked (left empty), the corresponding transition is not allowed.
As we can see, the tabular representation is systematic, regular (an N x N table), and not too hard to interpret. Therefore, it is used quite commonly to represent FSMs. The regularity makes computation and analysis based on tabular FSMs easy to perform.
However, when there are many empty cells, we end up wasting a lot of memory space to store the N x N table. Consequently, a third commonly used representation, what we call the list representation, is directly based on the formal specification for the graphs in graph theory formalisms (Deo, 1974). Basically, the set of states is represented by a list; and the set of allowable state transitions is also represented by a list, with its elements in the form of {C, B, “unable to receive paging channel”, -} that we mentioned above. The list representation is more compact but less regular. The comparison between the list and tabular representations is similar to the comparison between the list and 2-dimensional array data structures in computing and information processing: The trade off is between storage savings for lists and faster indexed access for arrays.
All three types of representations of FSMs, graphical, tabular, and list, are commonly used in testing literature. Therefore, the readers should become familiar with all three, possibly through some additional exercises interpreting and converting among them. In what follows, we primarily use graphical representation to make it easy to present and illustrate the basic ideas and techniques.
10.1.3 FSM的表示方法
表示FSMs最直观、最简单的方法是使用图形手段,如图10.1所示。正如我们从图论(Deo, 1974)中知道的,这样的图也可以被正式指定为一组状态、一组允许的状态转换和相关的输入/输出。例如,对应图10.1的状态集是{A, B, C, D, E}。从C到B的转换表示为{C, B, "无法接收寻呼频道", -},输入由第三个元素指定,输出为空(-)。状态转换和输入/输出的集合包括这些和其他类似项作为其元素。
- 状态列在行和列中。
- 行表示特定转换的起始状态,列表示结束状态。
- 如果允许从状态X(行X)到状态Y(列Y)的转换,则相应的单元格(行X,列Y)标记为其输入和输出。空输入或空输出用“-”标记。对于表10.1中的特定输入条件或消息,我们使用缩写msg,NoC,call和done来分别代表“寻呼频道消息”,“无法接收寻呼频道”,“正在通话”,和“完成其他任务”。
- 如果一个单元格标记为“na”或未标记(留空),则不允许相应的转换。
如我们所见,表格表示法是系统的、规则的(一个N x N表),且不太难解释。因此,它常用于表示FSMs。规则性使得基于表格FSMs的计算和分析易于执行。
然而,当有许多空单元格时,我们最终浪费了大量的内存空间来存储N x N表。因此,第三种常用的表示方法,我们称之为列表表示法,直接基于图论形式中图的正式规范(Deo, 1974)。基本上,状态集由一个列表表示;允许的状态转换集也由一个列表表示,其元素的形式为我们上面提到的{C, B, "无法接收寻呼频道", -}。列表表示法更紧凑但不太规则。列表与表格表示法之间的比较类似于在计算和信息处理中列表与二维数组数据结构之间的比较:折中是列表的存储节省与数组的更快索引访问之间的权衡。
We next examine the basic FSM-based testing that attempts to achieve basic coverage of states and transitions as the basic elements of FSMs, and using related input and output for test sensitization and result checking.
10.2 FSM测试:状态和转换覆盖
10.2.1 Some typical problems with systems modeled by FSMs
As mentioned above, FSMs can be used to model either external system behavior (blackbox view) or detailed execution of specific implementations (white-box view). In either view, we can consider the four basic elements, namely, states, transitions, input, and output, to examine possible and likely problems of systems modeled by FSMs, as follows:
- State problems: missing, extra, or incorrect states:
- An incorrect state is one with ill-defined behavior.
- A missing state corresponds to one that has a valid current state and input but the next state is missing. A special case of the missing state is that the system with unspecified initial state.
Extra state may be related to unreachable state or dead state, where there is no path from any initial state to it through a number of state transitions. Multiple next states for the same input may also be linked to some extra states. In this case, the current state is also an incorrect state because its behavior is ill-defined.
Transition problems: missing, extra, or incorrect transitions;
- A missing transition is one that corresponds to a valid current state and input but the next state is missing or not specified.
- An extra transition is associated with multiple transitions for the same current state and input.
An incorrect transition is a transition to an unexpected state or one that produces state is missing or not specified unexpected output.
Input problems: In FSM-based testihg, we typically treat input problems as part of state or transition problems, assuming that all input needs to be handled correctly through some state transitions by the FSM. As a general extension, even invalid input is expected to be handled correctly without causing system crash or other problems, such as through the following means:
ignoring invalid input, such as staying in the same state for invalid input.
direct handling of invalid input, such as outputting some error message and going through some exception handling and related state transitions
Output problems: We do not typically deal with output problems directly, but rather as part of the test oracle problem in state transitions. For example, if a state transition produces unexpected output, such as missing, extra, or incorrect output, we identify the transition as an incorrect transition.
Therefore, in FSM-based testing, we focus on state and transition problems. Input is primarily used for test sensitization, and output is primarily used for result checking.
10.2.1 由FSM建模的系统的一些典型问题
- 缺失的状态对应于有一个有效的当前状态和输入,但下一个状态缺失的情况。缺失状态的一个特殊情况是系统的初始状态未指定。
- 多余的转换与同一当前状态和输入的多个转换相关联。
10.2.2 Model construction and checking for missing or extra states or transitions
During model construction, all the basic elements of the FSMs need to be identified, including states, transitions, input, and output. Following the generic steps for test model construction in the test preparation activities we outlined in Chapter 7, some self-checking or model validation is usually needed to make sure the model reflects reality. Therefore, checking for missing or extra states or transitions is usually carried out as part of the model construction process, in particular, as part of model validation step in this process.
Instantiating and expanding the generic steps for model construction we described in Chapter 7, we can construct FSMs and validate them in the following steps:
Step 1. Information source identification and data collection: Depending on whether external functional behavior is modeled (black-box view) or internal program execution states are modeled (white-box view) in FSMs, we can identify different sources of information. In the former case, the information sources include external product specification or expected usage scenarios. They represent functional and logical relations between different subsets of operations and interfaces. In the latter case, internal product information, such as structure and connections of the implemented components in product design documents and the program code can be used for model construction. For many existing products, existing test cases and checklists can also be used as an important source of information. The sub-operations need to be extracted from such existing sources and linked together to form FSMs.
Step 2. Construction of initial FSMs based on the information sources identified in Step 1 above: We next consider the four basic elements, namely, states, transitions, input, and output, to construct the initial FSMs. Some of the elements are considered together for convenience in the following steps:
Step 2.1. State identification and enumeration: We need to keep the number of states to a manageable level, ranging from a handful to a few dozens, but not thousands. In cases where the real system needs to be represented by a large number of states, we can use nested or hierarchical FSMs, as we will describe in further detail in model refinement below.
Step 2.2. Transition identification with the help o f input values: For each state, we can consider all the possible transitions in connection with all the possible input values. As mentioned in Section 10.1, when the number of possible input values is large or infinite, we can use input partitions to help identify specific transitions. These partitions represent equivalence classes defined with respect to the state transitions to be taken. Another side effect of this step is to identify some missing states from Step 2.1 above, where some transitions lead to states other than those already identified above.
Step 2.3. Identifying input-output relations related to individual transitions. This output will be used as part of the test oracle to check the testing results.
Step 3. Model refinement and validation: This step includes two interconnected activities. In the process of validating the initial FSM, new states and/or new transitions might be identified, resulting in the refinement of the FSM. However, as we mentioned above, this process cannot be carried to excess, to include too many states and transitions in the FSM. Consequently, when large numbers of states and transitions need to be represented in a model, we typically use nested or hierarchical FSMs, with some of the specific states in the higher-level FSMs expandable to lower-level FSMs. This issue is examined further at the end of this section. We can also check the information sources to identify missing or extra states or transitions as part of the model validation exercise. This issue is elaborated below.
The basic idea for identifying missing states or transitions is similar to checklist- and partition-based testing. For example, a checklist based on product functional specifications can be used to directly check the missing states or transitions. However, such functional specifications usually correspond to high-level states and state transitions, which need to be refined to the same level of the states and transitions captured by the FSMs. For lower-level FSMs, product design information and documents, or program code, can usually be used to help identify missing states or transitions.
Checking for extra states and transitions can follow essentially the same procedure by cross-validating them with the information sources. However, this checking is typically more difficult than identifying missing ones, similar to the situation that requires product requirement traceability: If every state and every transition can be traced back to the corresponding information sources for their creation, this checking can be done easily. However, one should not expect complete documentation associated with every state or transition to be included in the FSMs. This fact makes it hard to identify extra states and transitions if we don’t know what led to their creation in the first place. As an alternative to this procedure of checking for extra states or transitions, we can perform reachability analysis to identify individual unreachable states or clusters of unreachable states. Usually, these unreachable states or clusters represent extra states or some other problems. The reachability analysis algorithms from graph theory (Deo, 1974, Knuth, 1973) and related tools can be used to perform such analyses.
In addition to the above methods of checking the missing or extra states and transitions, sometimes, they can also be checked together with incorrect ones. To actually test the states and transitions, we need to start from an initial state or from an intermediate current state saved in some means, and then follow a series of transitions to test the correct state that we try to reach and the correct transitions we try to follow.
10.2.2 模型构建和检查缺失或多余的状态或转换
步骤1. 信息来源识别和数据收集:根据FSMs中是建模外部功能行为(黑盒视图)还是内部程序执行状态(白盒视图),我们可以识别不同的信息来源。在前者的情况下,信息来源包括外部产品规范或预期使用场景。它们代表了不同操作子集和接口之间的功能和逻辑关系。在后者的情况下,内部产品信息,如产品设计文档和程序代码中实现的组件的结构和连接,可以用于模型构建。对于许多现有产品,现有的测试用例和清单也可以作为一个重要的信息来源。需要从这些现有来源中提取子操作并连接起来形成FSMs。
步骤2. 基于步骤1中识别的信息来源构建初始FSMs:接下来考虑四个基本元素,即状态、转换、输入和输出,来构建初始FSMs。为了方便起见,在接下来的步骤中,一些元素被一起考虑:
步骤2.1. 状态识别和枚举:我们需要保持状态的数量在一个可管理的水平,从少数几个到几十个,而不是成千上万。在需要用大量状态表示实际系统的情况下,我们可以使用嵌套或层次FSMs,我们将在下面的模型细化中进一步详细描述。
步骤2.2. 帮助输入值的转换识别:对于每个状态,我们可以考虑所有可能的转换与所有可能的输入值的连接。如第10.1节所述,当可能的输入值数量很大或无限时,我们可以使用输入分区来帮助识别特定的转换。这些分区代表了相对于要采取的状态转换定义的等价类。这个步骤的另一个副作用是识别出步骤2.1中的一些缺失状态,其中一些转换导致了除上述已识别状态以外的其他状态。
步骤2.3. 识别与单个转换相关的输入输出关系。 这个输出将作为测试预言机的一部分用于检查测试结果。
步骤3. 模型细化和验证:这一步包括两个相互关联的活动。在验证初始FSM的过程中,可能会识别出新的状态和/或新的转换,从而细化FSM。然而,如我们上面提到的,这个过程不能过度进行,包含太多的状态和转换在FSM中。因此,当需要在模型中表示大量的状态和转换时,我们通常使用嵌套或层次FSMs,其中一些特定的高层FSMs中的状态可以扩展到低层FSMs。这个问题将在本节末尾进一步检查。我们还可以检查信息来源以识别缺失或多余的状态或转换作为模型验证练习的一部分。这个问题下面将详细阐述。
检查多余的状态和转换可以基本上遵循相同的程序,通过与信息来源交叉验证。然而,这种检查通常比识别缺失的状态更困难,类似于需要产品需求可追溯性的情况:如果每个状态和每个转换都可以追溯到它们创建的相应信息来源,这种检查就可以容易地完成。然而,不应期望FSMs中包含与每个状态或转换相关的完整文档。这一事实使得如果我们不知道最初是什么导致它们的创建,就很难识别出多余的状态和转换。作为检查多余状态或转换的替代方法,我们可以进行可达性分析以识别个别不可达的状态或不可达状态的集群。通常,这些不可达的状态或集群代表了多余的状态或一些其他问题。可以使用图论(Deo, 1974,Knuth, 1973)和相关工具的可达性分析算法来进行此类分析。
10.2.3 Testing for correct states and transitions
The general testing based on FSMs and the. particular checking of correct states and correct transitions can be treated as two separate problems:
- State or node coverage: We need to make sure that each state can be reached and visited by some test cases. This is essentially a state or node traversal problem in graph theory (Deo, 1974; Knuth, 1973). Consequently, various graph node traversal algorithms can be used to help us with the development of test cases.
- Transition or link coverage: We need to make sure that each link or state transition is covered by some test cases. Although this problem can also be treated as link traversal in graph theory, the above. state coverage testing already helped us reach each reachable states. It would be more economical to combine the visit to these states with the possible input values to cover all the links or transitions originated from this current state.
In trying to reach a specific state, each test case is essentially a series of input values that enables us to make the transitions from an initial state to some target state, possibly through multiple hops by way of some intermediate states. It is possible that one test case could potentially enable us to visit all the states thus achieving complete state coverage. However, we need multiple test cases under most circumstances because there might be multiple initial states, multiple final states, and multiple sequences of transitions leading from an initial state to a specific state. In most systems modeled by FSMs, the initial states are the ones without incoming links and the final states are the ones without outgoing links. Under such circumstances, whenever multiple initial or final states exist, we would need at least as many test cases, and most likely much more.
From the current state, the next state to visit is determined by the input. Therefore, this one-step state transition can be viewed as first classifying the input into equivalence classes and then follow a specific transition according to the classification. With our knowledge for checklist- and partition-based testing in Chapter 8 and its special cases of input domain boundary testing in Chapter 9, we can easily perform link coverage starting from each state that we can reach. The one-step “classify-and-process” model from the current state to the next state fits perfectly with the processing model we used for those testing techniques.
All the input variables and associated values, as well as input domain partitioning in correspondence to the specific transitions to take, can be examined to derive our test cases as described in those chapters. Test case sensitization for FSM-based testing is fairly easy and straightforward. For each test case of state coverage, we have a specific initial state and a series of state transitions to lead to a target state. Since each transition is associated with specific input values, we can simply select such input values to sensitize the test case. The key in this sensitization is to remember that in FSM-modeled systems, input and output are associated with individual transitions instead of as an indistinguishable lump of initial input for many other systems. Consequently, the input sequencing is as important as correct values for the specific input.
For link coverage, the testing we described above is essentially the same as partition based input domain testing. We can follow the corresponding techniques to achieve partition coverage, or if necessary, to test the boundary conditions related to these partitions. The test sensitization issues are also the same as in those testing techniques described in Chapters 8 and 9.
One useful capability for test execution is the ability to save some “current state” that can be restored when we start testing. This would significantly shorten the series of state transitions needed to reach a target state, which may be important because in some systems these transitions may take a long time. This capability is especially useful for link coverage testing starting from a specific state: If we can start from this saved state, we can go directly into link coverage testing without waiting for the state transitions to reach this state from a specific initial state.
The result checking is similarly easy and straightforward, since the output for each transition is also specified in FSMs in addition to the next state. The key to this result checking is to make sure that both the next state and the output are checked.
10.2.3 测试正确的状态和转换
- 状态或节点覆盖:我们需要确保每个状态都可以通过一些测试用例到达和访问。这本质上是图论中的状态或节点遍历问题(Deo, 1974; Knuth, 1973)。因此,各种图节点遍历算法可以帮助我们开发测试用例。
- 转换或链接覆盖:我们需要确保每个链接或状态转换都被一些测试用例覆盖。尽管这个问题也可以被视为图论中的链接遍历,但上述状态覆盖测试已经帮助我们到达了每个可达状态。将访问这些状态与可能的输入值相结合以覆盖从这个当前状态开始的所有链接或转换会更经济。
所有输入变量和关联值,以及与特定转换相对应的输入域分区,都可以根据那些章节中描述的来审查以得出我们的测试用例。 基于FSM的测试用例敏化相对简单直接。对于每个状态覆盖的测试用例,我们有一个特定的初始状态和一系列状态转换来引导到目标状态。由于每个转换都与特定的输入值相关联,我们可以简单地选择这样的输入值来敏化测试用例。在这种敏化中要记住的关键是,在FSM建模的系统中,输入和输出与个别转换相关联,而不是与许多其他系统中的不可区分的初始输入堆
10.2.4 Applications and limitations
The most common application domain for FSM-based testing is the menu-driven software, where each menu demands some input and produces some output that is often accompanied by a new menu. This situation with interactive input is also different from various more autonomous systems where mostly an initial set of input is required but little or no interaction with the user is needed. A special case of menu-driven software is the use of the web that we will examine in more detail in Section 10.3.
FSM-based testing is generally suitable for systems with clearly identifiable states and state transitions. The situation covers various real-time systems, control systems, and systems that operate continuously. In many of these systems, it is more common to relate various system properties, such as status, controllability, safety, etc., to the current system states than to the beginning or end of systems operations. Related protocols for such systems can also be easily specified as FSMs and tested accordingly. Our example of call processing given in Figure 10.1 is an example of such a systems.
Another area where FSM-based testing has received significant attention is the testing of object-oriented software and systems (00s). Object-state testing typically resembles FSM testing, with some specific customization (Binder, 2000; Kung et al., 1998). There are various other application domains, such as device drivers, software for installation, backup and recovery, and software that replaces certain hardware (Beizer, 1995).
The primary limitation of FSM-based testing is its inability to handle large number of states. Although nested or hierarchical FSMs can help alleviate the problems, they have their own limitations in assuming clear-cut hierarchies: In lower-level models, we general assume a common source and common sink as its interface with higher-level models. However, the interactions may well be cutting through hierarchy boundaries in real systems. For large software products, the complete coverage of all these hierarchical FSMs would still be impractical because of the size as well as the generally uneven distribution of problems and usage frequencies in different areas and product components. Selective testing focused on highly used operations or product components can be supported by extending FSMs with usage information to form Markov chains and using them for statistical usage-based testing, as we describe in Section 10.4.
10.2.4 应用及局限性
另一个基于FSM的测试受到重视的领域是面向对象软件和系统(OOs)的测试。对象状态测试通常类似于FSM测试,但有一些特定的定制(Binder, 2000; Kung et al., 1998)。还有其他各种应用领域,例如设备驱动程序、安装、备份和恢复的软件,以及替代某些硬件的软件(Beizer, 1995)。
Web-based applications provide cross-platform universal access to web resources for the massive user population. With the prevalence of the world wide web (WWW), testing and quality assurance for the web is becoming increasingly important. We next examine the characteristics of the web and discuss the use of FSM-models for web testing.
10.3 案例研究:基于FSM的Web应用测试
10.3.1 Characteristics of web-based applications
Web applications possess various unique characteristics that affect the choices of appropriate techniques for web testing. One of the fundamental differences is the document and information focus for the web as compared to the computational focus for most traditional software. Although some computational capability has evolved in newer web applications, document and information search and retrieval still remain the dominant usage for most web users. In addition, navigational facility is a central part of web-based applications, with the most commonly used HTML (hyper-text markup language) documents play a central role in providing both information and navigational links. In this respect, web-based applications resemble many menu-driven software products. However, there are also some significant differences, as follows:
- Traditional menu-driven software still focuses on some computation; while webbased applications focus on information and documents.
- Traditional menu-driven software usually separates its navigation from its computation; while the two are tightly mingled for web-based applications.
- In traditional menu-driven software, there is usually a single top menu that serves as the entry point; while for web-based applications, potentially any web page or web content can be the starting point. These entry or starting points typically correspond to initial states in an FSM. Similar differences exist for the end points or final states, with traditional menu-driven software having limited exits while web-based applications typically can end at any point when the user chooses to exit the web browser or stop web browsing activities.
- Another significant difference is the qualitative difference in the huge number of navigational pages of web-based applications even for moderately sized web sites and the limited number of menus for all traditional menu-driven applications.
- Web-based applications typically involve much more diverse support facilities than traditional menu-driven software. Web functionalities are typically distributed across multiple layers and subsystems as illustrated in Figure 10.2. We need to make sure all these functionalities and related components work well together, to eliminate failure sources or to reduce failure chances.
Similar to general testing, testing for web applications focuses on the prevention of web failures or the reduction of chances for such failures. Therefore, we need to examine the common problems and associated concepts such as web failures, faults, and errors, before we can proceed with the selection of appropriate testing techniques to identify and remove these problems and problems sources.
10.3.1 基于Web的应用程序的特点
- 传统的菜单驱动软件仍然关注于某些计算;而基于Web的应用程序则关注于信息和文档。
- 传统的菜单驱动软件通常将其导航与计算分开;而这两者对于基于Web的应用程序则紧密交织在一起。
- 在传统的菜单驱动软件中,通常有一个单一的顶级菜单作为入口点;而对于基于Web的应用程序,任何Web页面或Web内容都可能是起点。这些入口或起点通常对应于FSM中的初始状态。对于结束点或最终状态,也存在类似的差异,传统的菜单驱动软件有限的退出方式,而基于Web的应用程序通常可以在用户选择退出Web浏览器或停止Web浏览活动时在任何点结束。
- 另一个显著的区别是即使是中等大小的网站,基于Web的应用程序的庞大数量的导航页面和所有传统菜单驱动应用程序的有限数量菜单之间的质的差异。
- 基于Web的应用程序通常涉及比传统菜单驱动软件更多样化的支持设施。Web功能通常分布在多个层次和子系统中,如图10.2所示。我们需要确保所有这些功能和相关组件能够很好地协同工作,以消除故障源或减少故障机会。
10.3.2 What to test: Characteristics of web problems
We define web failures as inability to correctly deliver information or documents required by web users. This definition also conforms to the standard definition of failures as the behavioral deviations from user expectations (correct delivery expected by web users) we outlined in Chapter 2. Based on this definition, we can consider the following failure sources:
- Host or network failures: Hardware or systems failures at the destination host or home host, as well as network failures, may lead to web failures. These failures are mostly linked to middleware and web server layers in Figure 10.2. However, such failures are no different from the regular system or network failures, and can be analyzed by existing techniques.
- Browser failures: Browser failures are linked to problems at the highest layer in Figure 10.2 on the client side. These failures can be treated the same way as software product failures, thus existing techniques for software testing can be used.
- Source or content failures: Web failures can also be caused by the information source itself at the server side, associated with the lowest layer in Figure 10.2.
In addition, user errors may also cause problems, which can be addressed through user education, better usability design, etc. The host, network, and browser failures mentioned above can be addressed by the “global” web community using existing techniques. However, web source or content failures are typicallly directly related to the services or functions that web-based applications are trying to provide. In addition, although usability is one of the primary concerns for novice web users, reliability is increasingly become a primary concern for sophisticated web users (Vatanasombut et al., 2004). Therefore, we will focus on web source failures and trying to ensure reliability of such web-based applications from a user’s perspective in this case study. Related web components (Miller, 2000) include the following:
- HTML document, still the most common form for documents on the web.
- Java, JavaScript, and ActiveX comnnonly used to support platform independent executions.
- Cgi-Bin Scripts used to pass data or perform some other activities.
- Database, a major part of the backend.
- Multimedia components used to present and process multi-media information.
We need to ensure the functionality, performance, reliability, usability, etc. of these web components and their applications. To do this, various types of existing web testing can be performed (Bowers, 1996; Bachiochi et al., 1997; Fromme, 1998; Miller, 2000), including: functionality testing, load and stress testing, browser rendering, and usability testing. However, such testing typically focus on a small area or a specific aspect of the web quality problems. We next describe the use of FSMs in web testing to ensure the overall satisfactory performance from the user’s perspective for the operational usage scenarios and sequences.
10.3.2 测试内容:Web问题的特点
- 主机或网络故障:目标主机或本地主机的硬件或系统故障,以及网络故障,可能会导致Web故障。这些故障主要与图10.2中的中间件和Web服务器层相关。然而,这些故障与常规的系统或网络故障没有什么不同,可以用现有技术分析。
- 浏览器故障:浏览器故障与图10.2中客户端最高层的问题相关。这些故障可以像软件产品故障一样处理,因此可以使用现有的软件测试技术。
- 来源或内容故障:Web故障也可能由服务器端的信息源本身造成,与图10.2中的最低层相关。
此外,用户错误也可能引起问题,可以通过用户教育、更好的可用性设计等方法解决。上述的主机、网络和浏览器故障可以通过使用现有技术的“全球”Web社区解决。然而,Web来源或内容故障通常直接与基于Web的应用程序试图提供的服务或功能相关。此外,虽然可用性是初级Web用户的主要关注点之一,但可靠性正日益成为复杂Web用户的主要关注点(Vatanasombut et al., 2004)。因此,在这个案例研究中,我们将专注于Web来源故障,并试图从用户的角度确保此类基于Web的应用程序的可靠性。相关的Web组件(Miller, 2000)包括以下几点:
- HTML文档,仍然是Web上最常见的文档形式。
- 常用于支持平台独立执行的Java、JavaScript和ActiveX。
- Cgi-Bin脚本用于传递数据或执行其他活动。
- 数据库,后端的主要部分。
- 多媒体组件用于呈现和处理多媒体信息。
我们需要确保这些Web组件及其应用程序的功能性、性能、可靠性、可用性等。为此,可以执行各种类型的现有Web测试(Bowers, 1996; Bachiochi et al., 1997; Fromme, 1998; Miller, 2000),包括:功能性测试、负载和压力测试、浏览器渲染和可用性测试。然而,这类测试通常专注于Web质量问题的一个小领域或特定方面。接下来,我们将描述在Web测试中使用FSMs来确保从用户的角度对操作使用场景和序列的总体满意性能。
10.3.3 FSMs for web testing
From the web user’s point of view, each web-based application or function consists of various components, stages, or steps, visible to the web users, and typically initiated by them. Consequently, state transition base:d FSMs models are appropriate for this kind of applications. We next consider the four basic elements of FSMs and map them to web-based applications:
Each web page corresponds to a slate in an FSM. Potentially any page can be the initial state and any page can be the: final state.
State transitions correspond to web navigations following hypertext links embedded in HTML documents and other web contents. One special case is that a user may choose to follow a previous saved Rink (bookmarked favorites) or to directly type a
URL (universal resource locator, the address of a specific page). The use of these latter navigation tools makes state transitions more unpredictable. However, there are also two factors worth noting in modeling web navigations as state transitions in FSMs:
From the point of view of Internet- and web-based service providers, it is more important to ensure that the “official” contents on the providers web site are correct than to ensure that the user’s bookmarks or typed URLs are up-to-date or correct.
There is empirical evidence to show that the vast majority of web navigations are following embedded hypertext links instead of using bookmarked or typed URLs. For example, for the www . seas. smu . edu web site studied in (Ma and Tian, 2003), 75.84% of the navigations are originated from embedded links within the same web site, only 12.42% are user originated, and the rest from external and other links.
Consequently, we choose to focus on the embedded navigation links and capture them in FSMs for web testing.
- The input and output associated with such navigations are fairly simple and straightforward: The input is the clicking of the embedded link shown as highlighted content; and the corresponding output is the loading of the requested page or content with accompanying messages indicating the HTML status, error or other messages, etc.
Existing techniques that attempt to “cover” certain aspects can still be used, but at a lower level than the FSM-based testing. For example, syntax and form testing can still be performed on individual pages and Java testing can be performed for Java components. Link checking can be considered as part of this FSM-based testing for transition coverage, but not based on formal models. The overall FSMs can guide the overall testing of the web navigations. In fact, web robots used by various Internet search engines or index services commonly “crawl” the web by systematically following the embedded hypertext links to create indexes or databases of the overall web contents. This crawling is very much like the state traversal for FSMs, with appropriate graph node traversal algorithm typically used.
There is one obvious drawback to web testing using such FSMs: the number of web pages for even a moderate-sized web site can be thousands or much more. Consequently, there would be significant numbers of states in these FSMs, which makes any detailed testing beyond simple indexing impractical, even with some automated support. In fact, even such simple indexing by the most powerful robot for major web search engines or index sites only cover a small percentage of the entire web. On the other hand, as a general rule, usage and problem distribution among different software components is highly uneven, which is also demonstrated to be true among different web contents (Li and Tian, 2003). Consequently, some kind of selective testing is needed to focus on highly-used and problematic areas to ensure maximal web site reliability improvement, such as through usage-based statistical testing we discuss next.
10.3.3 基于FSM的Web测试
有经验证据显示,绝大多数Web导航是遵循嵌入的超文本链接,而不是使用书签或输入的URL。例如,在(Ma和Tian, 2003)研究的www . seas . smu . edu网站中,75.84%的导航源自同一网站内的嵌入链接,只有12.42%是用户发起的,其余的来自外部和其他链接。
- 与此类导航相关的输入和输出相当简单直接:输入是点击显示为突出内容的嵌入链接;相应的输出是加载请求的页面或内容,伴随着指示HTML状态、错误或其他消息等的消息。
使用此类FSM进行Web测试的一个明显缺点是:即使是中等大小的网站,Web页面的数量也可能达到数千甚至更多。因此,这些FSM中将有大量的状态,这使得任何超出简单索引的详细测试都变得不切实际,即使有一些自动化支持。事实上,即使是最强大的搜索引擎或索引站点的机器人也只能覆盖整个Web的一小部分。另一方面,作为一般规则,不同软件组件之间的使用和问题分布高度不均匀,这在不同的Web内容中也被证明是真实的(Li和Tian, 2003)。因此,需要某种选择性测试来关注高使用率和问题领域,以确保最大程度地提高网站可靠性,例如通过我们接下来讨论的基于使用的统计测试。
Parallel to the situation with the use of flat or Musa’s operational profiles (OPs) for usage-based statistical testing using partitions, we can also augment FSMs with probabilistic usage information so that usage scenarios and navigation sequences commonly used by target customers can be tested more thoroughly than the less frequently used ones. The use of this approach would help us ensure and maximize product reliability from a customer’s perspective. Such augmented FSMs are our OPs, which typically form Markov chains, to be described in this section.
10.4 马尔可夫链和统一马尔可夫模型用于测试
10.4.1 Markov chains and operational profiles
For large systems, the state explosion problem (massive number of states in FSMs) calls for selective testing instead complete coverage. As a basic assumption for usage-based testing, if some functions or components are used more often, the likelihood that an underlying fault is going to be triggered through such iusage is also higher. Therefore, we need to focus on those highly used parts in the FSMs. Both the need for selective testing to deal with the size problem and the need for focused testing of highly used FSM parts can be supported by augmented FSMs in the form of Markov chains. The use of Markov chains in usage-based statistical testing also allows us to obtain realistic and meaningful evaluation of system reliability under an environment that resembles the actual usage environment by the target customers. The additional information for the FSMs is the probabilities associated with different state transitions that satisfy the following property:
From the current state \(X_n= i\) at time n or stage n, the probability of state transition to state \(X_{n+1} = j\) for the next time period or stage \(n + 1\) is denoted as \(p_{ij}\) , which is independent of the history, that is, $$ P{x_{n+1} = j|X_n=i, X_{n-1}=s_{n-1},...,X_0 = s_0}\ =P{X_{n+1} = j|X_n=i,} \ =p_{ij}. $$ In other words, the probability that the system will be in state \(j\) only depends on the current state i and the history-independent transition probability \(p_{ij}\). Equivalently, the complete history is summarized in the current state, thus removing the need to look back into the past history to determine the next transition to take. This property is call the memoryless, Markov, or Markovian property in stochastic processes (Karlin and Taylor, 1975).
Since \(p_{ij}\)’s are probabilities, they also obey the following equations: $$ 0 \leq p_{ij} \leq 1, \text{ and } \sum_j p_{ij} =1 $$
If the above conditions hold for every state in an FSM, the FSM forms a Markov chain. Although there are also other types of Markov chains, such as continuous time and infinite-state ones (Karlin and Taylor, 1975), we restrict our attentions to the ones based on our FSMs: Current state is associated with a stage of the FSM but not necessarily associated with fixed amount of time within the state, and state transition may take unspecified time to complete. In the context that we use it for usage-based statistical testing, this Markov chain is also called a Markov OP, because it constitutes the specific operational profile (OP) for the system.
Figure 10.3 is a sample Markov chain enhanced from the FSM in Figure 10.1. The transitions here are probabilistic instead of deterministic. Specific messages or conditions in the corresponding FSM are augmented with the associated probability. For example, after state B the next state to follow is always C, as represented by the transition probability of p(B, C) = 1. While the states to follow C could be D, with probability p(C, D) = 0.99 for the normal case, or B, with probability p(C, B ) = 0.01 for the rare occasion that MS is unable to receive paging channel. Notice that we omitted the input/output information in such Markov OPs to keep the illustration simple, with the understanding that the input/output information is available for us to sensitize testing.
10.4.1 马尔可夫链和操作概况
- 从当前状态 \(X_n= i\) 在时间n或阶段n,状态转换到下一个时间段或阶段 \(n + 1\) 的状态 \(X_{n+1} = j\) 的概率表示为 \(p_{ij}\),这个概率与历史无关,即
\[ P{x_{n+1} = j|X_n=i, X_{n-1}=s_{n-1},...,X_0 = s_0}\\ =P{X_{n+1} = j|X_n=i,} \\ =p_{ij}. \]换句话说,系统处于状态 \(j\) 的概率仅依赖于当前状态i和与历史无关的转换概率 \(p_{ij}\)。等效地,完整的历史在当前状态中被概括,从而消除了回顾过去历史以确定下一个要采取的转换的需要。这个性质在随机过程中被称为无记忆性、马尔可夫性或马尔可夫性质(Karlin和Taylor, 1975)。
- 由于 \(p_{ij}\) 是概率,它们还遵循以下等式:
\[ P{x_{n+1} = j|X_n=i, X_{n-1}=s_{n-1},...,X_0 = s_0}\\ =P{X_{n+1} = j|X_n=i,} \\ =p_{ij}. \]
- 如果上述条件对FSM中的每个状态都成立,该FSM形成一个马尔可夫链。虽然还有其他类型的马尔可夫链,如连续时间和无限状态的(Karlin和Taylor, 1975),但我们将注意力限制在基于我们FSMs的那些上:当前状态与FSM的一个阶段相关联,但不一定与状态内的固定时间量相关联,状态转换可能需要未指定的时间来完成。在我们用它进行基于使用的统计测试的上下文中,这个马尔可夫链也被称为马尔可夫操作概况(OP),因为它构成了系统的特定操作概况(OP)。
图10.3是从图10.1中的FSM增强得到的一个示例马尔可夫链。这里的转换是概率性的而不是确定性的。相应FSM中的特定消息或条件被增加了相关联的概率。例如,状态B之后下一个状态总是C,表示为转换概率p(B, C) = 1。而C之后的状态可能是D,正常情况下的概率p(C, D) = 0.99,或者在MS无法接收寻呼频道的罕见情况下是B,概率p(C, B) = 0.01。注意,我们在这种马尔可夫操作概况中省略了输入/输出信息,以保持示例的简单性,但理解为我们可以使用输入/输出信息来敏感测试。
10.4.2 From individual Markov chains to unified Markov models
Statistical testing using Markov chains started with (Mills, 1972), which was integrated with formal verification to create Cleanroom technology (Mills et al., 1987b), and formalized later (Whittaker and Poore, 1993; Whittaker and Thomason, 1994). Recently, hierarchical Markov chains in a framework called unified Markov models (UMMs) to support statistical testing, performance evaluation, and reliability improvement were developed (Tian and Lin, 1998; Tian and Nguyen, 1999; Kallepalli and Tian, 2001; Tian et al., 2003; Tian et al., 2004). In what follows, we focus on the use of UMMs to support effective and flexible statistical usage-based testing.
The usage information is represented in UMMs as a set of hierarchical Markov chains. For example, the top-level Markov chain in UMMs for call processing in a cellular communication network is represented in Figure 10.3. However, various sub-operations may be associated with each individual state in the top-level Markov chain, and could be modeled by more detailed Markov chains, such as the Markov chain in Figure 10.4 for expanded state E. Notice that in some of these Markov chains, the sum of probabilities for transitions out from a given state may be less than 1, because the external destinations (and sources) are omitted to keep the models simple. ‘The implicit understanding in UMMs is that the missing probabilities go to external destinations.
Such UMMs make it easy to model individual operational units and link them together to form the global operations. The higher-level operations can be expanded into lower-level models for more thorough testing. Therefore, they are more suitable for large systems with complex operational scenarios and sequences than Musa’s OPs we described in Chapter 8 or deterministic FSMs described earlier in this chapter. This hierarchical structure and the associated flexibility that can be tailored to multi-purpose applications set this approach apart from earlier approaches to statistical testing using Markov chains. Each state or transition represents an individual operation, workload, or execution stage.
They form the building blocks for the end-to-end operations by following the probabilistic state transitions. We will focus on the use of UMMs in testing in Section 10.5, with some discussion on reliability analysis and improvement covered in Chapter 22. For practical implementations, predefined procedures and automated tools can be used to support information gathering, model construction, measurement collection, and result analysis, which we discuss next.
10.4.2 从单个马尔可夫链到统一马尔可夫模型
使用马尔可夫链进行的统计测试始于(Mills, 1972),它与形式验证集成在一起,创建了清洁室技术(Mills等人,1987b),并后来被正式化(Whittaker和Poore,1993;Whittaker和Thomason,1994)。近期,为了支持统计测试、性能评估和可靠性改进,开发了一种名为统一马尔可夫模型(UMMs)的框架中的层次马尔可夫链(Tian和Lin,1998;Tian和Nguyen,1999;Kallepalli和Tian,2001;Tian等人,2003;Tian等人,2004)。接下来,我们将关注使用UMMs来支持有效和灵活的基于使用的统计测试。
10.4.3 UMM construction
The construction of UMMs can be considered as the instantiation of the general model construction process outlined in Chapter 7, which includes the three steps of identifying information sources, constructing the initial model or models, and several rounds of validation and refinement. Since UMMs are enhanced FSMs, much of the results for FSM construction can be reused as part of the process to construct UMMs. For each individual Markov chain in the UMMs, there are two distinct sub-steps in model construction:
Step M1: Constructing the basic FSMs, which we have already described in Section 10.2, with an emphasis on external functions and operations visible to target users.
Step M2: Complete the usage model by assigning transition probabilities based on measurement or surveys of target customers and actual product usage by them.
Transition probabilities could be obtained by several methods we mentioned in Chapter 8 in connection with Musa’s operational profiles, including: Subjective evaluation based on expert opinions, survey of target customers, and measurement of actual usage. A combination of the these three methods can be used to achieve the optimal combination of high accuracy and low cost for UMM construction. In addition, expert opinions, customer surveys, and usage measurement can also be used to confirm the overall structure and elements of the FSMs (states and state transitions) derived in step M1 above.
The hierarchical structure of UMMs and their use also affects their construction process: Not every higher-level state needs to be expanded into lower-level models, because testing using lower-level model are to be performed selectively. Therefore, a threshold should be set up so that only the ones above it need to be expanded with their corresponding lowerlevel UMMs constructed. In the case that the usage is expected to fluctuate, we might need to use a lower threshold so that more candidate models of lower-level can be constructed to handle different usage situations. However, there should be a balance between the number of UMMs and the flexibility depending on the specific application environment.
10.4.3 UMM构建
We next describe the use of UMMs in usage-based statistical testing and illustrate them with some concrete examples.
10.5 使用UMMs进行基于使用的统计测试
10.5.1 Testing based on usage frequencies in UMMs
Test cases can be generated by following the states and state transitions in UMMs to select individual operational units (states) and link them together (transitions) to form overall end-to-end operations. Possible test cases with probabilities above or at specific thresholds can be generated to cover frequently used operations. In practical applications, thresholds can be adjusted to control the numbers of test cases to be generated and executed. For example, we can start with a high threshold to test only the most frequently used operations, and gradually lower the threshold to cover more distinct situations and ensure satisfactory performance and reliability for a wider variety of operations. Several thresholds have been initially proposed (Avritzer and Weyuker, 1995) and used in developing UMMs (Tian and Lin, 1998; Kallepalli and Tian, 2001). In this book, we use three kind of thresholds for usage-based statistical testing, including:
- Overallprobability threshold for complete end-to-end operations to ensure that commonly used complete operation sequences by target customers are covered and adequately tested.
- Stationary probability threshold to ensure that frequently visited states are covered and adequately tested.
- Transition probability threshold to ensure commonly used operation pairs, their interconnections and interfaces are covered and adequately tested.
To use the overall probability threshold, the probability for possible test cases (or complete operations) need be calculated can compared to this threshold. For example, the probability of the sequence ABCDEBCDC in Figure 10.3 can be calculated as the products of its transitions, that is, $$ 1 \times 1 \times 0.99 \times 0.7 \times 1 \times 1 \times 0.99 \times 0.3 = 0.205821. $$ If this is above the overall end-to-end probability threshold, this test case will be selected and executed.
If the Markov chain is stationary, it can reach an equilibrium or become “stationary” (Karlin and Taylor, 1975). In such a state, the stationary probability \(\pi_i\) for being in state \(\pi_i\) remains the same before and after state transitions over time. The set \(\{\pi_i\}\) can be obtained by solving the following set of equations: $$ \pi_j = \sum_i\pi_ip_{ij}, \pi_i \geq, \text{ and } \sum_i\pi_i=1 $$ where \(p_{ij}\) is the transition probability from state \(i\) to state \(j\) . The stationary probability \(\pi_i\) indicates the relative frequency of visits to a specific state \(i\) after the Markov chain reaches this equilibrium. Therefore, testing states above a given threshold is to focus on frequently used individual operations or system states. For the many Markov chains that are not stationary (Karlin and Taylor, 1975), the same idea of focused testing can still be used by approximating stationary probabilities with the recorded relative frequencies of visit.
A mirror case to test states with stationary probabilities above a given threshold is to test links with transition probabilities above a given threshold. In this case, the testing is actually much easier to perform, because all the \(p_{ij}\)’s are specified in the UMMs. A larger value of \(p_{ij}\), indicates a commonly used operations (if we associate individual operations with transitions) or operational pairs (if we associate individual operations with states) in the sense that whenever i is reached, j is likely to follow.
Some combinations of these thresholds could also be used if they make sense for some specialized situations. For example, if state i is visited very infrequently (low \(\pi_i\)) , then even larger values of \(p_{ij}\) may not be that meaningful if state j is not tightly connected as the destination of other links (that is, low \(p_{kj}, k\neq i\)). In this example, we would combine stationary probability threshold with link probability threshold to select our test cases.
10.5.1 基于UMMs中使用频率的测试
测试用例可以通过遵循UMMs中的状态和状态转换来生成,选择单个操作单元(状态)并将它们连接在一起(转换),以形成整体的端到端操作。可以生成概率在特定阈值以上或等于特定阈值的可能测试用例,以覆盖频繁使用的操作。在实际应用中,可以调整阈值以控制生成和执行的测试用例数量。例如,我们可以从高阈值开始,仅测试最常用的操作,然后逐渐降低阈值以覆盖更多不同的情况,并确保更广泛的操作类型具有令人满意的性能和可靠性。最初提出了几个阈值(Avritzer和Weyuker,1995)并用于开发UMMs(Tian和Lin,1998; Kallepalli和Tian,2001)。在本书中,我们使用三种阈值进行基于使用的统计测试,包括:
- 完整端到端操作的总体概率阈值,以确保目标客户常用的完整操作序列被覆盖并充分测试。
- 静止概率阈值,以确保频繁访问的状态被覆盖并充分测试。
- 转换概率阈值,以确保常用的操作对、它们的相互连接和接口被覆盖并充分测试。
使用总体概率阈值时,需要计算可能测试用例(或完整操作)的概率并与此阈值进行比较。例如,图10.3中序列ABCDEBCDC的概率可以计算为其转换的乘积,即 $$ 1 \times 1 \times 0.99 \times 0.7 \times 1 \times 1 \times 0.99 \times 0.3 = 0.205821. $$ 如果这高于总体端到端概率阈值,此测试用例将被选择并执行。
如果马尔可夫链是静止的,它可以达到平衡或变得“静止”(Karlin和Taylor,1975)。在这种状态下,经过时间上的状态转换之前和之后,处于状态\(\pi_i\)的静止概率保持不变。集合\({\pi_i}\)可以通过解决以下方程组获得: $$ \pi_j = \sum_i\pi_ip_{ij}, \pi_i \geq, \text{ and } \sum_i\pi_i=1 $$ 其中\(p_{ij}\)是从状态\(i\)到状态\(j\)的转换概率。静止概率\(\pi_i\)指示在马尔可夫链达到这种平衡后访问特定状态\(i\)的相对频率。因此,测试高于给定阈值的状态是为了关注频繁使用的个别操作或系统状态。对于许多不是静止的马尔可夫链(Karlin和Taylor,1975),通过用记录的访问相对频率近似静止概率,仍然可以使用相同的集中测试思想。
如果对于某些特殊情况有意义,也可以使用这些阈值的一些组合。例如,如果状态i被非常不频繁地访问(低\(\pi_i\)),那么即使\(p_{ij}\)的值较大,如果状态j不作为其他链接的紧密连接目的地(即,低\(p_{kj}, k\neq i\)),那么这可能没有那么有意义。在这个示例中,我们会结合使用静止概率阈值和链接概率阈值来选择我们的测试用例。
10.5.2 Testing based on other criteria and UMM hierarchies
Coverage, importance and other information or criteria may also be used to generate test cases. In a sense, we need to generate test cases to reduce the risks involved in different usage scenarios and product components, and sometimes to identify such risks as well (Frank1 and Weyuker, 2000). The direct risks involved in selective testing including missing important areas or not covering them adequately. These “important” areas can be characterized by various external or internal information, as discussed below.
As a basic principle, all implemented functions or sub-functions should at least be covered once and found to be satisfactory before product release. This coverage requirement can be handled similarly by adjusting the probabilities to ensure that all things we would like to cover stays above a certain threshold, or by adjusting our test case selection procedures.
In addition to the coverage requirement, some critical functions of low usage frequencies also must be thoroughly tested because of the severe consequences if faults exist in them. For example, some recovery procedures may have little chance of being invoked in customer settings, but they still need to be adequately tested because of the critical role they play in emergency situations. Similar adjustments as above can be used to ensure such test cases are generated, selected, and executed.
In general, importance information can be used in conjunction to usage frequencies to establish various probabilities or weights, as we have already seen in the case study of usage-based testing in Chapter 8. The same idea can be carried over to UMMs, weighing link probabilities accordingly. The importance information can be obtained by consulting product experts. In addition, the complexity of the implemented components may also influence the choice of functions or sub-functions to test. Test case allocation can be adjusted accordingly to compensate for increased complexity.
As mentioned before, models of different granularity can be constructed and then be used with the above methods for test case generation. Test efficiency concerns may require that we cover different functions with a minimal of test cases. The hierarchical structure of UMMs also gives us the flexibility to improve test efficiency by avoiding redundant executions once a subpart has been visited already. This is particularly true when there are numerous common sub-operations within or among different end-to-end operations.
When revisiting certain states, exact repetition of the execution states that have been visited before is less likely to reveal new problems. The revisited part can be dynamically expanded to allow for different lower-level paths or states to be covered. For example, when state E is revisited in the high-level Markov chain in Figure 10.3, it can be expanded by using the more detailed Markov chain in Figure 10.4, and possibly execute different sub-paths there. In general, to avoid exact repetition, we could expand revisited states with operations of finer granularity, and more thoroughly test those frequently used parts.
10.5.2 基于其他标准和UMM层次的测试
10.5.3 Implementation, application, and other issues
The test sensitization and outcome prediction are relatively simple and straightforward, as we discussed above for testing based on general FSMs in Section 10.2. Because UMMs are based on FSMs with augmented probabilistic transitions, once a series of state transitions is selected using the criteria above, the sensitization simply follows the required sequence of input and the result checking simply compares the actual output and next states to what are specified in the corresponding FSMs. In effect, we can prepare all the input and specify the anticipated output and transitions ahead of time. However, under some dynamic situations, it would be hard to anticipate the input as well as the next state. One may also argue that such prepared tests are not truly random in the statistical sense. Under such situations, dynamic test cases may be generated in the following way: From a current state, the transition or branching probabilities can be used directly to dynamically select the next state to visit, and sensitized on the spot. As discussed in Chapter 7, such dynamic test cases also have their own drawbacks, primarily in the reduced system performance due to the overhead to dynamically prepare and sensitize these test cases.
The usage-based testing based on UMMs also yield data that can be used directly to evaluate the reliability of the implemented system, to provide an objective assessment of product reliability based on observation of testing failures and other related information. Such use of statistical testing data in reliability analysis is described in Chapter 22. Unique to the usage of UMMs is that the failures can be associated with specific states or transitions. We can use such information to evaluate individual state reliability as well as overall system reliability, to extrapolate system reliability to different environments, and to identify highrisk (low-reliability) areas for focused reliability improvement.
The general applicability of UMMs is similar to that for FSMs, such as menu-driven, interactive, and real-time systems, especially to large software systems of these types. In addition, the hierarchical UMMs fit well with incremental, iterative, and spiral development processes, where new software increments or sub-systems can be treated as a new toplevel node in UMMs to be added, expanded, and tested, while the rest of the models can remain essentially the same. Reuse of software components or use of COTS (commercial off-the-shelf) components can be supported, modeled, and tested similarly.
10.5.3 实施、应用和其他问题
Continuing our case study in Section 10.3 about web testing, we can use statistical testing based on UMMs to overcome some of the difficulties of using pure FSM-based testing due to the size and other factors. The key to this usage-based statistical testing strategy based on a series of studies is the automatic extraction of web usage information from existing web logs to build UMMs as web usage models (Tian and Nguyen, 1999; Kallepalli and Tian, 2001; Ma and Tian, 2003; Tian et al., 2004).
10.6 继续案例研究:基于Web使用的测试 继续我们在10.3节关于Web测试的案例研究,我们可以利用基于UMMs的统计测试来克服由于规模和其他因素导致的使用纯FSM基础测试的一些困难。基于一系列研究的这种基于使用的统计测试策略的关键是从现有Web日志中自动提取Web使用信息,以构建UMMs作为Web使用模型(Tian和Nguyen,1999; Kallepalli和Tian,2001; Ma和Tian,2003; Tian等人,2004)。
10.6.1 Usage-based web testing: Motivations and basic approach
We characterized web-based applications in Section 10.3 by their informatioddocument focus, integration between information and navigation, and multi-layered support infrastructure to derive FSMs for web-based applications. In addition, we also noticed the inadequacies of using pure FSMs in testing such web-based application due to the size and other factors, as follows:
- Massive user population: Virtually anyone from anywhere with an Internet access can be a user of a given web-site. Although some traditional software systems, such as operating systems, also serve a inassive user population, the systems are usually accessed locally, thus scattering the: user population into sub-groups of limited size.
- Diverse usage environments: Web users employ different hardware equipments, network connections, operating systems, middleware and web server support, and web browsers, as compared to pre-specified platforms for most traditional software.
The combination of these characteristics and other characteristics noticed in Section 10.3 above also make traditional coverage-based testing such as basic state and link coverage based on FSMs inadequate for web-based applications. Instead, statistical testing techniques described above can be used to selectively test those components or usage patterns frequently used by the massive number of users under diverse usage environments. These techniques can help us prioritize testing effort based on usage scenarios and frequencies for individual web resources and navigation patterns to ensure the reliability of web-based applications.
Once we have decided on the use of usage-based statistical web testing, the immediate question is the choice of which types of usage models or operational profiles (OPs), or more specifically, the choice between Musa's flat OP covered in Chapter 8 and the UMMs covered earlier in this chapter. Web applications consist of various components, stages, or steps, visible to the web users, and typically initiated by them. Consequently, state transition based Markov models such as UMMs are generally more appropriate for this kind of applications than flat OP.
As mentioned in Section 10.4, the construction of UMMs includes two steps: Constructing the basic model elements and the structure first (or the underlying FSMs), and then assigning transition probabilities. In our case study in Section 10.3, we have already constructed the FSMs. Therefore, we can concentrate on obtaining the probabilistic transition information. As pointed out in Chapter 8 in connection to flat (Musa) OPs, such information can be obtained by expert opinions, customer surveys, or actual measurement, with the last one the most accurate but also typically the most difficult and costly to obtain.
Fortunately, various log files are routinely kept at web servers for normal support of various web-based applications. This availability offers us the opportunities of automatic collection of usage information for OP construction, We next describe this approach and also illustrate it with examples for www . seas. smu . edu, the official web site of the School of Engineering and Applied Science at Southern Methodist University (SMUKEAS). Access log data covering 26 consecutive days were used in these examples.
10.6.1 基于使用的Web测试:动机和基本方法
- 巨大的用户群体:几乎任何地方的任何人只要有互联网接入都可以成为给定网站的用户。虽然一些传统软件系统,如操作系统,也服务于大量用户群体,但这些系统通常是本地访问的,因此将用户群体分散到大小有限的子群体中。
- 多样化的使用环境:Web用户使用不同的硬件设备、网络连接、操作系统、中间件和Web服务器支持以及Web浏览器,与大多数传统软件的预指定平台相比。
幸运的是,Web服务器通常会保留各种Web基础应用程序的正常支持的各种日志文件。这种可用性为我们自动收集OP构建的使用信息提供了机会。接下来,我们将描述这种方法,并以南卫理公会大学(SMU)工程与应用科学学院的官方网站www . seas . smu . edu为例进行说明。这些示例使用了连续26天的访问日志数据。
10.6.2 Constructing UMMs for statistical web testing
A "hit" is registered in the access log if a file corresponding to an HTML page, a document, or other web content is explicitly requested, or if some embedded content is implicitly requested or activated. Most web servers record relevant information about individual accesses in their access logs.
Every hit is logged as a separate entry in the server's access log file. Some sample entries from the access log for the www . seas. smu. edu web site using Apache Web Server (Behlandorf, 1996) is given in Figure 10.5. Specific information in this access log includes:
- The reverse-DNS hostname of the machine making the request. If the machine has no reverse-DNS hostname mapped to the IP number, or if the reverse-DNS lookup is disabled, this will just be the IP number.
- The user name used in any authentication information supplied with the request.
- If "identd" checking is turned on, the user name as returned by the remote host.
- Date and time that the transfer took place, including offset from GMT (Greenwich Mean Time).
- The complete first line of the HTTP request, in quotes.
- The HTTP response code.
- Total number of bytes transferred.
If the value for any of these data fields is not available, a “-” will be put in its place. Although different web servers record different information, the following is almost always present: the requesting computer, the date and time of the request, the file that the client requested, the size of the requested file, and an HTTP status code.
UMMs can be constructed based on analyzing the access logs using a combination of existing tools and internally implemented utility programs. However, as with most model construction activities, fully automated suipported is neither practical nor necessary. Human involvement is essential in making various modeling decisions, such as to extract UMM hierarchies and to group pages or links, a!s follows:
- For traditional organizations, there is usually a natural hierarchy, such as universityschool-department-individual for universities, which is also reflected in their official web sites. There are generally closer interconnections as represented by more frequent referrals within a unit than across units. This natural hierarchy is used as the starting point for the hierarchies in these UMMs for web testing, which are later adjusted based on other referral frequencies.
- For links associated with very small link probability values because they are followed infrequently, grouping them together to form a single link would significantly simplify the resulting model, and highlight the frequently used navigation patterns. A simple lower-level model for this group can be obtained by linking this single grouped node to all those it represents to form a one-level tree. Web pages related by contents or location in the overall site structure can also be grouped together to simplify UMMs.
This approach to UMM construction based on web logs is similar to the use of data mining techniques on web logs for web site evaluation (Spiliopoulou, 2000), but the focus here is to construct integrated models insitead of a loose collection of results and patterns.
10.6.2 构建用于统计Web测试的UMMs
每个命中都作为服务器访问日志文件中的单独条目记录下来。图10.5给出了使用Apache Web服务器(Behlandorf,1996)的www . seas . smu. edu网站的访问日志的一些示例条目。这个访问日志中的具体信息包括:
- 发出请求的机器的反向DNS主机名。如果该机器没有将IP号码映射到反向DNS主机名,或者如果禁用了反向DNS查找,这将只是IP号码。
- 随请求提供的任何身份验证信息中使用的用户名。
- 如果打开了"identd"检查,则远程主机返回的用户名。
- 发生传输的日期和时间,包括与格林威治标准时间(GMT)的偏差。
- HTTP请求的完整第一行,用引号括起来。
- HTTP响应代码。
- 传输的总字节数。
- 对于传统组织,通常存在自然层次结构,如大学-学院-系-个人,这也反映在它们的官方网站上。在单位内部通常存在更频繁的互相引用,表示为更紧密的相互连接,而不是跨单位。这种自然层次结构被用作这些UMMs的Web测试中层次结构的起点,稍后基于其他引用频率进行调整。
- 对于因不常跟随而具有非常小的链接概率值的链接,将它们组合在一起形成单个链接将显著简化结果模型,并突出显示常用的导航模式。通过将这个单个分组节点链接到它所代表的所有节点,可以获得该组的简单的低级模型,形成一级树。也可以将内容或位置在整个站点结构中相关的Web页面组合在一起,以简化UMMs。
10.6.3 Statistical web testing: Delails and examples
Although any web page can be a potential entry point or initial state in an FSM or its corresponding Markov chain, one basic idea in statistical testing is to narrow this down to one or a few entry points based on their actual usage as entry point to a web site. The destinations of incoming links to a web site from external sources are the entry points for UMMs. These links include URL accesses from dialog boxes, user bookmarks, search engine results, explicit links from external pages, or other external sources. All these accesses were recorded in the access log, and the analysis result is summarized in the entry page report in Table 10.2. For this web site, the root page “/index. htm1”outnumber other pages as the entry page by a large margin. In addition, these top entry pages are not tightly connected. These facts lead to the decision of building a single set of UMMs with this root page as the main entry node to the top-level Markov chain presented in Figure 10.6.
The issue with exit points is more complicated. Potentially any page can be the exit point, if the user decides to end accessing the web site. That is probably why no such exit page report is produced by any existing analyzer. This problem can be handled implicitly by specific usage sequences associated with specific test cases: The end of a usage sequence is the exit point from the UMM. This decision implies that frequently visited pages are also more likely to be the exit node than infrequently visited pages, which makes logical sense.
Figure 10.6 shows the top-level Markov chain of the UMM for the SMU/SEAS web site. The following information is captured and presented:
- Each node is labeled by its associated web file or directory name, and the total outgoing direct hits calculated. For example, out = 2099 for the root node “/index. h t m l ” , indicates that the total direct hits from this node to its children pages is 2099.
- Each link is labeled with its direct hit count, instead of branching probability, to make it easier to add missing branching information should such information become available later. Only when such content is requested and loaded,a hit is recorded in the access log, but not when a user accesses a specific content using browser navigation buttons (“Back”, “Forward”, etc.), because the local cache is used for the latter type of accesses. Therefore, branching information represented by the use of these browser navigation buttons can only be extracted from other information sources, such as a collection of user-side records, which would be much harder to obtain than server access logs. However, relative frequencies and conditional branching probabilities for links originating from a given node can be deduced easily. For example, the direct hit count from the page “/index. h.tml” to the page “gradinf 0. html” is 314; and the conditional branching probability for this link is 314/2099 = 20.5%.
- Infrequent direct hits to other pages are omitted from the model to simplify the model and highlight frequently followed sequences. However, the omitted direct hits can be calculated by subtracting out direct hits represented in the diagram from the total “out” hits of the originating node. For example, there are direct hits to nine other pages from the root page: “/index. html”. The combined direct hits are: 2099 - 431 - 314 - 240 - 221 = 893.
- Lower-level models (not shown) are also produced for the nodes “/gradadmission/” and ‘‘/recruit/” in the top-level model. These models can be used to support our hierarchical strategy for statistical usage-based testing.
- For nodes needing no further analysis, such as “/smumap.html” and “/contactseas. html”, neither lower-level models nor “out” hits are produced. Such pages either do not contain outlinks, or are visited with very low frequency, that further analysis is impossible or unnecessary.
10.6.3 统计Web测试:细节和示例
虽然任何Web页面都可以成为FSM或其相应马尔可夫链中的潜在入口点或初始状态,但统计测试的一个基本思想是基于它们作为Web站点入口点的实际使用情况,将其缩减到一个或几个入口点。从外部源到Web站点的入站链接的目的地是UMMs的入口点。这些链接包括来自对话框的URL访问、用户书签、搜索引擎结果、来自外部页面的显式链接或其他外部源。所有这些访问都记录在访问日志中,分析结果总结在表10.2的入口页面报告中。对于这个网站,根页面“/index. htm1”以很大的优势超过其他页面成为入口页面。此外,这些顶级入口页面并不紧密相连。这些事实导致了以这个根页面作为主要入口节点构建一组UMMs的决定,这些UMMs构成了图10.6中呈现的顶级马尔可夫链。
- 每个节点由其关联的Web文件或目录名标记,计算了总的直接命中次数。例如,根节点“/index. h t m l ”的out = 2099,表示从这个节点到其子页面的总直接命中次数为2099。
- 每个链接以其直接命中次数标记,而不是分支概率,以便在以后变得可用时更容易添加缺失的分支信息。只有当请求并加载了某个内容时,才会在访问日志中记录命中,但当用户使用浏览器导航按钮(“后退”、“前进”等)访问特定内容时,则不记录命中,因为后者类型的访问使用的是本地缓存。因此,由使用这些浏览器导航按钮表示的分支信息只能从其他信息源提取,例如用户端记录的集合,这比服务器访问日志难获得得多。然而,从给定节点发起的链接的相对频率和条件分支概率可以轻易推导出。例如,从页面“/index. h.tml”到页面“gradinf 0. html”的直接命中次数是314;这个链接的条件分支概率是314/2099 = 20.5%。
- 模型中省略了到其他页面的不常见直接命中,以简化模型并突出频繁遵循的序列。然而,省略的直接命中可以通过从发起节点的总“出”命中中减去图表中表示的直接命中来计算。例如,从根页面“/index. html”有直接命中到其他九个页面。综合直接命中是:2099 - 431 - 314 - 240 - 221 = 893。
- 也为顶级模型中的节点“/gradadmission/”和“/recruit/”生成了更低级别的模型(未显示)。这些模型可以用来支持我们的层次化统计基于使用的测试策略。
- 对于不需要进一步分析的节点,如“/smumap.html”和“/contactseas. html”,既不产生更低级别的模型也不产生“出”命中。这些页面要么不包含外链,要么访问频率非常低,以至于进一步分析是不可能的或不必要的。
Finite-state machines (FSMs) are often suitable models for many software systems where system functions or operations cannot be: adequately modeled by a one-step or fixed step information processing models such as those based on checklists, partitions, or decision trees. FSMs use states and transitions to model the individual units of system operations or current status, and link them together to form the overall usage scenarios and sequences, with possible repetitions or loops handled easily. Testing based on FSMs can be performed on these systems for basic coverage of states and transitions by directly using the FSMs, or for focused testing of highly used or important parts by using Markov operational profiles (OPs) as extended FSMs with usage probabilities associated with transitions.
In gaining the power of being able to model and test more realistic steps and transitions with possible repetitions, we lost the siniplicity of simple processing and testing models covered in Chapter 8. In addition, the intrinsic complexity associated with the number of states and transitions limits our ability to model large systems in detail where large numbers of states and transitions are required. Hierarchical FSMs can be used to alleviate the problem by limiting transactions across boundaries of different FSMs in the hierarchy.
Selective testing based on Markov OPs can also alleviate the problem to some degree by focusing on highly used states and transitions while omitting infrequently used ones or grouping them together. The combination of these hierarchical FSMs and Markov OPs led us to unified Markov models (UMMs) described in this chapter. UMMs can help us prioritize testing effort, perform usage-based statistical testing, improve test efficiency, and support reliability analysis and improvement activities.
These testing techniques can be effectively applied to various systems, such as menudriven, object-oriented, and real-time systems, and systems that operate continuously. We illustrated the use of these testing techniques through a comprehensive case study of testing web-based applications using both the basic FSMs and the extended FSMs in the form of UMMs. Not only can the usage of individual web pages and possible links be captured by FSMs, but also the related usage frequencies and navigation patterns by web users can be captured automatically in UMMs by extracting information from web access logs routinely kept by web server for normal web operations. Therefore, FSM- and UMM-based testing techniques are viable, practical, and effective techniques for web-based applications.
However, complex interactions along execution paths and detailed dependencies among different data items cannot be adequately modeled and tested by using the testing techniques described in this chapter. On the other hand, the FSMs can be the starting point for us to perform various analyses and build additional models as extensions to the basic FSMs to test more complex interactions, as we will describe in the next chapter
10.7 结语