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Chapter 1 Overview


  • Meeting People’s Quality Expectations
  • Book Organization/Overview/Usage
  • Pre-requisite Knowledge

1.1 General Expectations

  • General expectation: “good” software quality

  • Objects of our study: software

  • software products, systems, and services

  • stand-alone to embedded

  • software-intensive systems

  • wide variety, but focus on software

  • Quality (and how “good”) formally defined in Ch.2

  • People: Consumers vs producers

  • quality expectations by consumers
  • to be satisfied by producers through software quality engineering (SQE)

  • Deliver software system that...

  • does what it is supposed to do
    • needs to be “validated”
  • does the things correctly
    • needs to be “verified”
  • show/demonstrate/prove it (“does”)
    • modeling/analysis needed

1.2 Meeting Quality Expectations

  • Difficulties in achieving good quality:
  • size: MLOC products common
  • complexity
  • environmental stress/constraints
  • flexibility/adaptability expected

  • Other difficulties/factors:

  • product type
  • cost and market conditions
  • addressed later (especially Part III)

  • “no silver bullet”, but... SQE (software quality engineering) helps

1.3 SQE as an Answer

  • Major SQE activities:
  • Testing: remove defect & ensure quality
  • Other QA alternatives to testing
  • How do you know: analysis & modeling

  • Scope and content hierarchy: Fig.1.1 (p.6).

Screenshot 2024-02-16 at 17.30.13

Quality assurance 质量保证

1.4 Book Contents

  • QA alternatives/SQE activities:

(and mapping to our Parts/Chapters)

  • Overview and Basics (Part I)

  • QA alternatives:

  • Testing (Part II)

  • Other alternatives (Part III)
  • Overall comparison (Ch.17)

  • Analysis and improvement (Part IV)

  • overall mechanism (Ch.18)
  • measurements/models (Ch.19)
  • specific analyses/models (Ch.20∼22)

  • Testing (Part II):

  • all topics, but focus on techniques
  • overview and general questions (Ch.6)
  • important common issues (Ch.7)
    • activities/management/automation
  • testing techniques (Ch.8∼11)
  • specialization and integration (Ch.12)

  • Testing techniques (Ch.8∼11):

  • organized by underlying models:
    • lists and partitions (Ch.8&9)
    • finite-state machines (Ch.10&11)
  • both black-box and white-box views
    • all chapters
  • both coverage goals (all chapters) and usage/reliability goals (Ch.8&10)

  • Other alternatives (Part III):

  • defect prevention (Ch.13)
  • inspection, review, analysis (Ch.14)
  • formal verification (Ch.15)
  • defect containment (Ch.16)
  • comparison, including testing, (Ch.17)

  • Comparing different QA alternative

  • applicability and effectiveness
  • dealing with quality problems/defects:
    • prevention/removal/tolerance
  • cost
  • overall comparison (Ch.17)

1.4 Content Dependency

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  • Dependency: Fig 1.2 (p.10) above

  • Essential (solid-lines): prior knowledge

  • Part I precedes other (parallel?) parts.

  • Non-essential (dashed-lines) sequence,

    e.g., simple→complex/top-down/etc.

依赖性:图1.2 (p.10)



  • 非必要(虚线)序列;


1.5 Usage and Readership

  • Math/statistics pre-requisite:
  • discrete math, logic, graph, etc.
  • probability and statistics
  • used in modeling/analysis.

  • Background knowledge in CS/SE:

  • computer systems and programming
  • fundamentals of computing
  • general SE knowledge and experience

  • Detailed lists: Section 1.4

  • review/self-study for specific topic