- 1-Overview
- 2-Architecture-Modules
- 3-Architecture-Components
- 4-Architecture-Services
- 5-Architecture-Summary
- 6-Using Angular CLI
- 7-Default Angular Application
- 8-Shared Modules
- 9-Data Binding
- 10-Property Binding with DOM Objects
- 11-Dynamically Add Class Names and Styles
- 12-Event Binding
- 13-Access Native DOM Objects
- 14-Two-Way Data Binding
- 15-Content Projection
- 16-Error Handling in Data Binding
- 17-Three Ways to Include Global Styles
- 18-Introduction to Directives and Structural Directives (ngIf)
- 19-Attribute Directive (hidden)
- 20-Structural Directive (ngFor)
- 21-Custom Directives
- 22-Pipes
- 23-Custom Pipes
- 24-Component Communication (Input to Child Components)
- 25-Component Communication (Output from Child Components)
- 26-Lifecycle Hooks: OnInit Phase
- 27-Lifecycle Hooks: OnUpdate Phase
- 28-Lifecycle Hooks: OnDestroy Phase
- 29-Understanding Dependency Injection
- 30-Creating an Injector
- 31-Using Providers
- 32-Creating and Injecting Services
- 33-Service Scopes
- 34-Template-Driven Forms
- 35-Form Sections in Template-Driven Forms
- 36-Validation in Template-Driven Forms
- 37-Basic Usage of Reactive Forms
- 38-Implementing Reactive Form Validation
- 39-Using FormArray
- 40-Built-in Validation in Reactive Forms
- 41-Synchronous Validation in Reactive Forms
- 42-Asynchronous Validation in Reactive Forms
- 43-Creating Forms with FormBuilder
- 44-Checkbox Examples in Reactive Forms
- 45-Radio Button Examples in Reactive Forms
- 46-Common Methods in Reactive Forms
- 47-Basic Usage of Routing
- 48-Passing Parameters in Routing
- 49-Nested Routing
- 50-Named Router Outlets
- 51-Router Navigation
- 52-Standalone Routing Modules
- 53-Lazy Loading Modules
- 54-Route Guards (CanActivate)
- 55-Route Guards (CanActivateChild)
- 56-Route Guards (CanDeactivate)
- 57-Route Guards (Resolve)
- 58-Introduction to RxJS
- 59-Features of Observables
- 60-Creating Subjects
- 61-Using BehaviorSubject
- 62-Using ReplaySubject
- 63-Data Streams and Operators in RxJS
- 64-Using
Helper Methods - 65-Using
Helper Methods - 66-Using
Helper Methods - 67-Using
Helper Methods - 68-Using
Operators - 69-Using Throttle and Debounce Operators
- 70-Using
Helper Methods - 71-RxJS Example Cases
- 72-Search Example with RxJS
- 73-Chained Requests Example with RxJS
- 74-HttpClient Usage
- 75-HttpParams Usage
- 76-Using HttpHeaders
- 77-Setting Response Body in RxJS
- 78-Using Interceptors (Part 1)
- 79-Using Interceptors (Part 2)
- 80-Configuring Angular Proxy
- 81-Introduction to NgRx
- 82-Basic Usage of NgRx
- 83-Selectors in NgRx
- 84-Actions in NgRx
- 85-MetaReducers in NgRx
- 86-Using Effects in NgRx
- 87-Case Study in NgRx
- 88-Another Case Study in NgRx
- 89-Final Case Study in NgRx
- 90-Using NgRx in a To-Do App
- 91-Synchronizing Router State with Store
- 92-State-Related Concepts in Animations
- 93-Adding Animations to To-Do App
- 94-Creating Basic Animations
- 95-Defining Keyframe Animations
- 96-Using Animation Callbacks
- 97-Creating Reusable Animations
- 98-Using
Method in Animations - 99-Using
Method in Animations - 100-Using
in Animations - 101-Creating Custom States in Animations
- 102-Implementing Route Animations