React Basic 2 Book and Author
- Make a GET request to ""
- Display a list of cards showing each book's title and author
- Create an input field at the top that filters both title OR author
- When a user clicks on a book, highlight its border in red and display that card at the top
"key": "/subjects/world",
"name": "world",
"subject_type": "subject",
"work_count": 590,
"works": [
"key": "/works/OL20752984W",
"title": "Crusades",
"edition_count": 94,
"cover_id": 12381115,
"cover_edition_key": "OL29389568M",
"subject": [
"World history",
"HISTORY / Europe / Western",
"Middle Ages",
"Moyen Âge",
"HISTORY / World",
"HISTORY / Medieval",
"HISTORY / General",
"Medieval History 400-1500",
"World/International History",
"European History",
"Late Antiquity & Byzantium"
"ia_collection": [
"lendinglibrary": false,
"printdisabled": true,
"lending_edition": "",
"lending_identifier": "",
"authors": [
"key": "/authors/OL2769993A",
"name": "Benjamin Z. Kedar"
"key": "/authors/OL454027A",
"name": "Jonathan Phillips"
"key": "/authors/OL3505648A",
"name": "Iris Shagrir"
"first_publish_year": 2008,
"ia": "crusadesvolume820008unse",
"public_scan": false,
"has_fulltext": true,
"availability": {
"status": "private",
"available_to_browse": false,
"available_to_borrow": false,
"available_to_waitlist": false,
"is_printdisabled": true,
"is_readable": false,
"is_lendable": false,
"is_previewable": true,
"identifier": "crusadesvolume820008unse",
"isbn": "9781351985536",
"oclc": null,
"openlibrary_work": "OL20752984W",
"openlibrary_edition": "OL28753395M",
"last_loan_date": null,
"num_waitlist": null,
"last_waitlist_date": null,
"is_restricted": true,
"is_browseable": false,
"__src__": "core.models.lending.get_availability"